Joining the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #199

Greetings #LadiesOfHive friends , this is my entry to participate in the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #199 .

This week's slogan represents one of the biggest dilemmas I have ever faced in my life.

Based on your own job hunting and work experiences, which do you prefer, working from home as a freelancer, or working outside the home where you get stable monthly pay? Why?

Although since I finished high school and then college, I have always worked either in offices or in companies in person, since they were other times (years 1998 to 2017) and at that time in my country almost no one knew what it was to be a "Freelancer" and much less that of working from home or somewhere else, I always dreamed of being able to travel and visit other countries.

The introduction and massive reach of the internet came to me a little late, and at 33 years old I can not ride the wave of this new trend of digital nomads, so now in my forties, I see a little difficult to achieve that desired way of life of being independent.

I believe that the digital age has opened the minds and wings of millions of people who have been born under its influence, and allows them to consider the advantages of working from home or wherever the road finds them instead of having a fixed job from 8 to 17 and Monday to Friday and a secure retirement.

In my case, I believe that if I had been born in the late 90's another would have been my choice, and possibly today I would be one more of those people who live free of work ties, and travel that wide world that is so fascinating and beautiful, doing what they love without fear of tomorrow.

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