Summoner's Week: Helios Matriarch

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The tips and possible advises in this article are designed for Silver League, in which I am in right now.

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To me, a summoner's strength lies in their versatility and flexibility. I'm grateful to have, not only a Helios Matriarch, but a Gold foil, on my side giving me more monsters to choose from while increasing my rewards if ever I won.

As a Dragon summoner, she is my a secret weapon with the ability to wield monsters from multiple elements like Dragons, Neutrals and Gladiators. It's a benefit of Conscript's ability that my opponents can only dream of.

When the battle heats up, I know I can count on Helios Matriarch's flexibility to turn the tide and give me the chance to choose the best monsters for that current rule of combat.

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My level 4 Helios Matriarch is still one of my best Soulbound summoners. To top it off, she's a Gold Foil that gives me extra 10% rewards whenever I win. The only downside is that her abilities are far worse than others but being a Dragon summoner makes up for it tenfolds.


+1 Speed: [Stat Modifier] [Positive Status] All friendly monsters has their Speed increased by 1.

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Conscript: [Support] Allow the use of one additional Gladiator this battle.

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  1. Helios Matriarch is Free. Since she is soulbound, you cannot buy or trade her from the market making her essentially free since you need to grind Glint to get her.
  2. Dependent on Gladiators. This is both positive and negative. The positive part is if you have strong gladiator cards, you might not need anything else. For example, a Quora Towershead with Immunity ability is a monster in Noxious Fumes rule of combat.
  3. Really easy to get. You can quickly farm Soulbound summoners by choosing the Rare card in the Glint Shope since ALL of the Soulbound summoners are Rare.


  1. High Mana Cost.
    Soulbound summoners normally costs 6 mana cost, which is 3 more when you use a dual summoner from Rebellion series.
  2. Dependent on Gladiators.
    She is only strong when you have strong gladiator cards. If you have low leveled gladiator cards, you won't be able to appreciate her that much.
  3. Not that Strong abilities.
    Their abilities, with the exception of Frank Ruffmane, is very weak. Even Helios Matriarch's +1 Speed is very weak compared to Kelya Frendul which also have an extra +1 armor for only 4 mana cost.

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Rules of Combat
Rise of the Commons
During this battle, only Common and Rare monsters are allowed: Helios Matriarch is a Dragon Summoner which means she has more options for common and rare monsters than others.
Little League
During this battle, only monsters with 4 or less mana are alowed: Helios Matriarch is a Rare summoner which fits the requirement for this rule of combat.
Wands Out
During this battle, only monsters with magic damage type are allowed: Void Dragon is a really good monster from the Dragon Splinter that counters Magic damage while being a magic damage monster itself.

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Rules of Combat
Reverse Speed
The effects of speed becomes the opposite. Monsters with the least Speed also attack first and has highest chance to evade an attack:
Another ability of Helios Matriarch is giving +1 Speed to all of your monsters. This would be bad in Reverse Speed as it would only give your opponents advantage.
Silenced Summoners
During this battle, all summoner abilities are disabled:
Any Soulbound summoner is a bad choice for Silenced Summoners. They all have 6 mana cost and with Silenced Summoners rule of combat, you would be using a 6 mana cost summoner without any abilities which is a bad deal when you can use a 3 or 4 mana costs.
Back to Basics
During this battle, all monster's abilities are disabled:
Helios Matriarch is a Dragon Summoner which means she has more options for common and rare monsters than others.

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Quora Towershead
Quora is the best Gladiator monster in the game. It would be better when Quora can be used from the back.
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Helmet Kharafax
He's the best passive monster for me due to his defensive abilities and low mana cost. You can use Weapons Training to give him an attack for him to be much useful.
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Krash Wanderford
I haven't tried him yet since I don't have the pieces I need yet but I think he has great potential. You can use Ferexian Hero to give him Melee damage and Rage to give him Magic damage. That would give him both melee and magic damage like Quora but not only that, Krash Wanderford has higher speed which means his attacks will less likely to miss.

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My team is very balanced attacking from both front and behind while being protected by Ravenhood Warden. The extra speed helped a bit in order for my team to attack first even giving Witch of Warwick the chance to snatch a kill as well.

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Helios Matriarch

The extra speed helped my team attack first while the Conscript ability allowed me to you the Witch of Warwick in this battle.

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Cursed Windeku

One of the strongest Death Splinter tank. The Thorns ability helps do extra damage.

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Silent Sha-Vi

A very fast Sneak monster that was able to quickly eliminate my opponent's Healer.

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Queen of Crows

Since my opponent might use range monsters, Queen of Crows can weaken them a lot. Fortunately, I was on point on this against my opponent for this battle.

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Witch of Warwick

A very strong Gladiator. Not only she gets extra Health from Life Leech but another extra stats for killing any opponents from Bloodlust.

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Ravenhood Warden

The Protect ability was really good since my opponent used a lot of range monsters.

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Dhampir Infiltrator

Another Sneak monster that helped Silent Sha-vi to eliminate my opponent's back row.

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The death of Cursed Windeku was expected but he did more than what I need by eliminating a lot of my opponents early on. The pincer attack with Dhampir Infiltrator was very effective slowly killing enemies both front and back giving me an easy win.

> > Click here to view the full battle < <

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Soulbound summoners may be good or bad depending on the rules of combat. In this battle, while Helios Matriarch wasn't a game changer, there are times that she is. Being a Dragon summoner, this gives me more options on what monsters I can use. Unlike my opponent's, with Conscript ability, I have the flexibility to choose between any one element, Dragon, Neutrals, and Gladiator monsters.

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  • This post is an entry for Splinterlands Social Media Contest.
  • Animated Banners and Dividers are edited in Canva Pro.
  • Other sources that I do not own are cited under their respective photos.
  • Some of the fonts used are from

If I seem to forget to cite other sources, this would be unintentional. Please leave it on the comments below to be added in the post. Thanks.

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