Summoner's Week: Fernheart

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The tips and possible advises in this article are designed for Bronze League, in which I am in right now.

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Around November of last year, I remember seeing some awesome matches in youtube as I try to formulate some new ideas. I was not able to make this because some of the monsters used are from the Beta Series and unusable in Modern Ranked Format.

After a few recalibrating, I finally realized it's potential and how it's now available for use in Modern Ranked Format. This build though, require very specific monsters.

With this build, I was able to get from 500 rating to 1000 after 2 days. I am now in Silver so I am pretty confident that this works. It's strong but requires quite a bit of funding if you want to rent the full build but I can assure you that this can stand against a lot of other builds and is very reliable. Check out my NEW Scavenger build for Earth Splinters.

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Fernheart is actually interesting as he is an Epic Summoner. He's probably the most useful one among the Chaos Legion Epic summoners and is very strong after I realized how ridiculous this build is.

The Close Range ability is really important in the Scavenger build since I had a game with Silenced Summoners and I lost because my range monsters cannot attack while in 1st position.


+1 Health: [Stat Modifier] [Negative Status] All friendly monsters has their Max Health increased by 1.

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Close Range: [Atack Modifier] This ranged monster can attack while in 1st position.

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  1. Interesting Build. This is probably one, if not, the most unique build I see for Modern Format. You can only use specific monsters but if you can put at least 3 of 5 of them, the rest don't matter.
  2. Good for Little League. This might sound like an exaggeration but I never lost a Little League rule of combat with this build yet. Three monsters that I use, Venari Seedsmith, Iza the Fanged, and Doctor Blight fits the bill and it's hard to win against three monsters that can get up to 10+ health each when your monsters have only low firepower.
  3. Mixed Damage The full build has all Range, Melee and Magic damage making it the most mixed damage I ever made. It's hard to counter using Demoralize or abilities like that since you technically need all the abilities down and you couldn't focus on one to bring down the damage.


  1. Scavenger Team is strong but expensive to build.
    I tried renting this set and max level Fernheart costs 60 DEC per day and Doctor Blight level 3 costs 42 DEC per day. Lord Thanalor Level 2 costs 72 DEC per day. These 3, with Venari Seedsmith, Fungus Fiend and Iza the Fanged costed me around 300+ DEC for 2 days. With this amount, it's not sustainable as a regular rental especially since you still need to rent other summoners and monsters for other Splinters.
  2. Limited Abilities.
    The Close Range ability only works specifically for monsters with Range damage. It would have no effect for any monsters you use with Melee and Magic damage.
  3. Weak against Sneaks.
    If you are using the build I have in this article, you will surely struggle against Sneak builds. The only battles I seemed to have difficulty winning are ones who are focused in Sneaks as they are able to kill Venari Seedsmith and Iza the Fanged, who are the weakest links of my build.

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Rules of Combat
Target Practice
All monsters on the board gains the Snipe ability that changes the targetting mechanics of monsters with Range and Magic damage to "Non-melee opponent's monsters that is not on first position.": Most monsters in the build I am using Fernheart in has both range and magic damage. This make Target Practice rule of combat very advantageous for you.
The Max Health of all monsters on the board will be equal to the Max Health of the monster with the highest max health: Monsters with high health and Scavenger ability combined are one of the most annoying monsters to deal with. Increasing the max health increases the restoration from Heal and Tank Heal making it really strong as a tank. This is worse when 5 of your opponents all have high health and Scavenger ability as if you're dealing with 5 tanks in your opponent's team.
Noxious Fumes
All monsters on the board are given the poisoned status at the start of the battle. Poisoned monsters take 2 damage at the start of every round.: Scavenger ability is strong ithis rule of combat since everytime a monster dies, your monsters increase health. Fernheart's extra max health also works in your favor for this.

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Rules of Combat
Odd Ones Out
Only monsters with odd mana cost are allowed during this battle:
With this rule of combat, only Venari Seedsmith is the playable one in my build which drastically reduces the strength of Fernheart.
Close Range
All range monsters on the board can attack while in 1st position targetting the opponent's monster on the 1st position:
Fernheart already has Close Range so having a rule of combat that basically does the same thing is useless.
Reverse Speed
The effects of speed becomes the opposite. Monsters with the least Speed also attack first and has highest chance to evade an attack:
Most monsters in the build I am using Fernheart in has both range and magic damage. This make Target Practice rule of combat very advantageous for you.

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Runemancer Florre
Runemancer Florre can be a tank due to her high health. With Close Range ability, she can attack in 1st position making her one of the perfect monsters you can use with Fernheart as long as you don't care about her lack of abilities.
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Iza the Fanged
Iza the Fanged is both has range damage and Scavenger ability making her a good tank when things go sour.
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Venari Seedsmith
Venari Seedsmith is I think the best. His damage really goes overkill at max level. For only 4 mana cost, you can have a monster with 4 damage, decent health and Scavenger ability, which means that the health you get increases over time for each death on the board.

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This team composition looks very tricky. At first, you will think that it's very weak due to a lot of low health monsters. However, what your opponent doesn't know is that every death, whether it's in your side or opponents gives you an extra 1 max health for every monster with Scavenger ability. This means you get around +5 team max health every death which creeps up a lot over time. In addition to this, the team has a lot of useful abilities like Poison, Affliction and Stun that disrupts the opponent's side while you are dishing HUGE amount of damage due to combined poison and base damage of your team.

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He is a summoner required in this build for the Close Range ability. While this ability is useless to a lot of players, with this Scavenger build, I honestly think that this is one of the strongest build for Modern Ranked Format.

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Endless Ape

A melee monster with high health and Scavenger ability. Even though he has Scavenger ability, this monster is changeable in case he's expensive to rent or you lack mana to use him.

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Runemancer Florre

A very strong monster with no abilities. Due to her importance you can interchange her as a tank in front or back of your build. You can place her in the front, like in this lineup, to have a secondary tank until the other monsters stack up on Scavenger or you can place her at the back to protect your team against Sneaks. Using her at the back gives Runemancer Florre more survivability which increases your overall damage due to her dual damage.

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Lord Thanalor

Another monster with Scavenger. He's not particularly strong but his base damage, being magic damage and at 3 make his formidable. Other than his base stats, I don't see him as particularly important. If you can have the one with Rust ability unlocked though, it would be helpful for your other monsters with range damage but that would mean you also need to spend a lot more.

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Iza the Fanged

One of the forgotten monsters. No one really uses her or like her, probably except for me. This is because no one saw the potential for this monster as no one uses Fernheart in Modern Rankgd Format.

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Venari Seedsmith

One of my most favorite Earth monster. He is very cheap, if not one of the cheapest monsters in Earth Splinter. This means you can easily rent him at max level without any hitch.

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Doctor Blight

The combination of Camouflage ability and Scavenger is strong since it means this monster will always be the last monster of yours to die maximizing on the Scavenger ability.

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This battle was an overwhelming win. I have advantage in all aspects of this battle and unfortunately, I think this opponent is a bot and that's one reason why it didn't do well. That topic will be for another time.

> > Click here to view the full battle < <

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I really really really like this build. I will be making a lot of changes in the near future though because to be honest, I feel that renting the full build is very expensive, even though, they are strongest together.

However, I feel like I can make decent adjustments though to the point that even if it's not as strong as the full build, it's still strong enough to get decent wins to hgiher league.

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  • This post is an entry for Splinterlands Social Media Contest.
  • Animated Banners and Dividers are edited in Canva Pro.
  • Other sources that I do not own are cited under their respective photos.
  • Some of the fonts used are from

If I seem to forget to cite other sources, this would be unintentional. Please leave it on the comments below to be added in the post. Thanks.

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