Monster's Week: Prunda Undervesch

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The tips and possible advises in this article are designed for Silver League, in which I am in right now.

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Dual element summoners are really good in a lot of rules of combat since it gives you a 2 for 1 deal and can still be used when the other Splinter is unusable.

Prunda Undervesch, for example, is good on things like Silenced Summoners since she doesn't have an ability to be affected in the first place.

In the case of Prunda Undervesch, I can use both Water and Life monsters, which you can see in this week's battle. The two Splinters have an uncanny way of supporting each other that can give you a lot of wins in battles that was undoubtedly unwinnable just because you were able to use a monster from the other element that fits your current lineup.

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Prunda Undervesch does not have any abilities that can help the team but she has low mana cost and multiple elements that she can use all at the same time combining the strength of both Water and Life Splinters.

The Dual Element is very strong as it removes the limitation of using one specific Splinter only. Each Splinter can cover for each of their weaknesses as well as amplify both of their strengths.

💊 Abilities 💊

No Summoner Abilities: This summoner has no abilities.

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Dual Element Summoner: This summoner has dual elements. You can use any monsters from any Splinters this summoner has control to, if it's available, in addition to using Neutral monsters.

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  1. Low mana cost Prunda Undervesch only needs 3 mana to use. This can give you advantage by allowing you to have stronger monsters on the board.
  2. Dual Element Summoner The flexibility that this summoner can give due to allowing you to combine both Water and Life Splinters is immense. This can make you do combinations of monsters not possible with Single element.
  3. Complementing Splinters Both Water and Life Splinters has good monsters that complement each other. For example, if you cannot use Range monsters but needs Taunt, Life Splinter has Iziar. If you cannot use Magic damage, there's Bera Dallin. If you cannot use Melee, you have Water Splinter's Wave Brood. This means you have a consistent source of Taunt monster regardless of the rule of combat that denies that damage type.


  1. No Summoner Abilities
    Some summoners can make of break a team and some summoners, like Lorkus, can provide huge advantage with their abilities that can destroy teams that doesn't have them.
  2. Expensive to buy
    The cheapest copy costs $0.60 which looks really cheap but since this is a Common rarity, it requires the most number of cards to level up. The max level right now is priced at $71.97.
  3. Expensive to rent at max level
    If a card is expensive to buy, normally, it is also expensive to rent. This is proven by haivng Prunda Undervesch costing 131.17 DEC per day at level 10. If you do a quick conversion, it's almost $1 per week of rental which can quickly stack up if you regularly uses her.

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Rules of Combat
Silenced Summoners
During this battle, all summoner abilities are disabled: Since Prunda Undervesch has no abilities in the first place, she doesn't isn't affected by Silenced Summoners rule of combat.
Taking Sides
During this battle, neutral monsters are not allowed: Prunda Undervesch are able to control and use monsters from two different elements giving her a huge advantage when you are not allowed to use Neutral monsters for your lineup.
Wands Out
During this battle, only monsters with magic damage type are allowed: Water and Life Splinter has good choices for magic damage. You can combine Djinn Oshannus and Nerissa Tridawn from Water Splinter with Life Splinter's Meriput Magician for the Tank Heal giving you a solid core lineup for Wands Out rules of combat.

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Rules of Combat
Shades of Gray
Only Neutral monsters may be used in battles.:
Since this rule of combat limits you to using Neutral monsters only, this removes Prunda Undervesch's flexibility of using Water and Life Splinter monsters.
Healed Out
All healing effects and abilities are disabled during this battle.:
Life and Water Splinter has good monsters with Taunt, Tank Heal, and Triage abilities. Healed Out can quickly change your strategies by removing the ability to heal your monsters.
All armor and effects that involve armor are disabled during this battle:
Since Prunda Undervesch has no abilities in the first place, she doesn't isn't affected by Silenced Summoners rule of combat.

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Bera Dallin
The strongest tank for Modern Ranked Format. She has multiple strong defensive abilities including Taunt, Void Armor and Shield. Merdaali Guardian is a good partner with this monster giving you Tank Heal, Repair and an extra Strengthen ability to increase the restoration amount of Bera Dallin.
Even though Zyriel is a Death Splinter, since she has a dual element with Life, you can use her in combination with Water Splinter to do a combined Range and Magic damage based lineup with Zyriel and Aves Sturgis.
A legendary, passive Water Splinter monster with strong defensive abilities his Void ability combined with Heal and high health can be destructive against teams centered in magic damage.

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This lineup is very limited due to the constricting rules of combat, Little League and Keep Your Distance but having two Tank Heal monsters allow me to have a very health tank throughout the game.

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Prunda Undervesch

Low mana cost summoner with multiple elements able to control both Water and Life Splinter at the same time.

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Pelacor Conjurer

A good strong tank with low mana cost. He has Magic Reflect ability that is very deadly against monsters with magic damage.

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Dax Paragon

A low mana cost magic damage monster with Amplify that is complementing with Pelacor Conjurer's Magic Reflect ability.

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Merdaali Guardian

I was able to use her because of Prunda Undervesch's dual ability. Her Tank Heal is really strong which allowed me to win this game.

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Venari Crystalsmith

A strong range monster with Tank Heal ability.

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The opponent and I both have the same idea abusing Pelacor Conjurer. The difference is that I have the ability to use 2 monsters with Tank Heal ability in that limited amount of mana, while he cannot. This is a defining difference which allowed me to get the win.

> > Click here to view the full battle < <

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Abilities does not make a summoner strong. It's all about your expertise on how to make your lineup strong. Even though she lacks in a lot of ways, that flexibility that Prunda Undervesch does is way stronger than any abilities you can get. The more experienced the player is, the more they can get out of these interaction of combining the strengths of two different Splinters.

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  • This post is an entry for Splinterlands Social Media Contest.
  • Animated Banners and Dividers are edited in Canva Pro.
  • Other sources that I do not own are cited under their respective photos.
  • Some of the fonts used are from

If I seem to forget to cite other sources, this would be unintentional. Please leave it on the comments below to be added in the post. Thanks.

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