Monster's Week: Bera Dallin

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The tips and possible advises in this article are designed for Silver League, in which I am in right now.

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I've been spamming quite a lot of Life Splinter recently along with Water Splinters. I like how diversed my Life Splinter's straegies can be as I can just pull out Captain Katie out of nowhere or, like what I did in this battle, Bera Dallin.

Bera Dallin is a really strong monster from the Rebellion Series. I wasn't able to use her before due to her high rental cost at max level. But now that everything was reduced in price, I can now happily abuse her in Modern Ranked Format.

Along with some Dragon combos, my Bera Dallin is really abnoxious to fight against reminding me of a strategy I did before with Agor Longtail.

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Bera Dallin has very high stats and is very fitting for a tank. At max level, she has 14 max health, one down for her getting 5 health restoration amount from Heal and Tank Heals. While her damage is simply decent at 3 melee, her full defensive abilities make up for it allowing you to have the best tank in Modern Ranked Format.

Bera Dallin has Taunt combined with her high stats allowing her to have a really good control of the game. Her other abilities also complement her kit making her the best defensive tank in the Modern Ranked Format.

💊 Abilities 💊

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Armored Strike: [Attack Modifier] This monster can do another melee attack using its armor.

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Taunt: [Defense] [Target Modifier] Opponent's monster will be forced to attack this card, if possible.

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Shield: [Defense] Monsters with Shield ability reduces the incoming melee and range damage by half. If the damage is 1, before the effect applies, the damage is negated and becomes 0.

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Void Armor: [Defense] Monsters with Void Armor ability can use their armor to block opponent's magic damage.

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  1. Life Splinter has good supports. Taunt monster in Life Splinter is good. This gives her quite a lot of flexibility as you can either go for Repair or Tank Heal or a mix of both abilities.
  2. Strong Defensive Abilities If in the future, there would be a summoner that can add Void ability, then Bera Dallin would be perfect. A combination of Taunt, Shield and Void Armor abilities in one monster is just abnoxious.
  3. Good Defensive Stats Not only she has good health but also good armor allowing her to withstand damage from all damage types. This is furthermore supported by Shield and Void Armor for increased defense.


  1. Armored Strike ability loses value immediately.
    Since all magic damage attacks the armor because of Void Armor ability, then this also reduces the damage of Armored Strike reducing her overall damage. The good thing is that you can use Repair ability to get back the lost armor and if timing is your friend in the battle, you can use the restored armor to inflict damage before you lose it again.
  2. High Mana Cost.
    While it's still 3 less than The Kraken, 11 mana cost is still huge. This limits her usage to high mana fights. She cannot win on her own so if you force her, you might just lose.

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Rules of Combat
Equal Opportunity
All monsters on the board gains the Opportunity ability that changes the targetting mechanics to "Opponent's Monster with the least health.": Any rules of combat with target modifying abilities like Super Sneak, Equal Opportunity or Target Practice is a good rule set for Taunt. Even though your opponents will have these abilities as well, your Taunt monster can negate these by redirecting all the attacks to Bera Dallin.
Armored Up
All monsters gain +2 armor for this battle: Not only Bera Dallin increases her durability with the added armor but it also increases her damage dealt due to Armored Strike ability. It's a really good rule of combat for Bera Dallin.
Up Close & Personal
During this battle, only monsters with melee damage type are allowed: Even though you would sacrifice quite a lot of supports, you can still have Junker to support Bera Dallin. It's not a big loss in my opinion, since Bera Dallin has Shield ability which counters melee monsters.

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Rules of Combat
All armor and effects that involve armor are disabled during this battle:
Since Bera Dallin reies on armor due to her Void Armor ability, removing that factor decreases the effectiveness of this unit a lot.

Blood and Sunder
All monsters on the board gains the Corrosive Ward ability that permanently reduces the opponent's max armor by 2 when their melee attacks hit:
The return damage given by Corossive Armor is permanent. This means that given enough time, Bera Dallin would be stripped of all her armor which is bad. You can still use her though if you focus on Tank Heal abilities, although, this strategy is weaker than what I did in this battle.
All monsters do double damage to opponent's monster that has Taunt ability:
Any rules of combat with target modifying abilities like Super Sneak, Equal Opportunity or Target Practice is a good rule set for Taunt. Even though your opponents will have these abilities as well, your Taunt monster can negate these by redirecting all the attacks to Bera Dallin.

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Adelade Brightwing
The best compatible monster. Repair and Resurrect abilities are what makes Bera Dallin shine. Since she has Void Amor ability, even magic damage hits the armor first making the restoration of the armor very important.
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Oshuur Constantia
A legendary dragon monster with Resurrect and Tank Heal. While he doesn't have Repair ability that Bera Dallin needs, the Resurrect ability gives you another chance for Bera Dallin to fight as he restores her health to full.
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Scavo Hireling
A low mana cost passive monster with Repair. His Camouflage ability makes him very safe to assist Bera Dallin until the end.

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This team is set up prioritizing Bera Dallin's Armor due to her Void Armor ability. I have 4 Repair, 1 Tank Heal and 2 Resurrect abilities meaning the opponent needs to kill Bera Dallin 3 times first before being able to touch my backline. The 1 Tank Heal is enough just to make sure Bera Dallin regains health after death and the Repair acts as the real Tank Heal in this battle making sure that Bera Dallin stays healthy throughout the battle.

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Quix the Devious

He's the best supporting summoner for Bera Dallin but that's only because I cannot find someone else better. The reduced Range damage is helpful in combination of Bera Dallin's Shield ability.

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Bera Dallin

The main tank and main source of damage in this battle. Her high stats and great abilities grants her the title, "The best tank in Modern Ranked Format."


This is a new monster that I've been drafting quite recently. HE has high damage, Reach and Repair ability. He makes a good combination with Bera Dallin whose main defense is her armor.

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Runeseer Sevaya

I would say that she is a luxury monster. The rental price of this monster rivals Bera Dallin. While she wasn't really important in this battle, I wanted to draft a full team of Repair monster and she fits that bill.

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Adelade Brightwing

One of the best support for Life Splinter. Her Resurrect ability is really strong when combined with monsters with Void Armor ability as the Resurrect ability revives the fallen ally with max armor.

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Oshuur Constantia

I wanted one Tank Heal monster for this build as it feels much safer when armor isn't as useful. It's just a backup strategy that works so well, in my opinion.

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Scavo Hireling

Low mana cost monster with Repair, Camouflage and Slow abilities. The Repair ability is important as it makes Bera Dallin more durable while having higher damage with Armored Strike.

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Since this battle uses Taunt monster as the main tank, it was a long drawnout battle. However, it was a very easy battle as the opponents wasn't even able to kill Bera Dallin once allowing me to have a relaxed game.

> > Click here to view the full battle < <

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I would like to say that this is the best drafted team for Modern Ranked Fomat. Bera Dallin does not have a lot of cons. Her rental price is decent at a little above 50 DEC per day. The monsters you can use in combination with this card is really flexible and you can either draft her as a standalone tank, just to delay the damage, or focus on her like what I did in this battle.

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  • This post is an entry for Splinterlands Social Media Contest.
  • Animated Banners and Dividers are edited in Canva Pro.
  • Other sources that I do not own are cited under their respective photos.
  • Some of the fonts used are from

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