Simplicity is Beauty


A common phrase and widely used in any speech, in a poem and by journalist and editors. These two words being bind together and gives a simple phrase but with a deep meaning.

What is simplicity then and what is beauty? Why this two words when separated it will lost its definition and content.

What is Simplicity?

Simplicity is a state of being simple, the expression of innocence, with the bearing of being naive and original. A simpleness of a thing, of not being tap with enhancement to modify its original state or without changing into something complicated. To be simple is to hold its origin, void of modernization and technology. It is the pureness of a thing and its authenticity.

What is Beauty?

While beauty is the quality of a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses and exalts the mind or the spirit. A beauty being possess by a thing or a person and love by a certain individual that only him could see, and who could explain the beauty it possesses. The beholder of the eye could see such beauty, could identify whether that thing or person deserve such appreciation.

The Standard of Beauty

When it comes to beauty each individuals differs in setting of standards. There are those who has a high standard and others are simple standard. Like the selection of beauty queen, an organization whose task is to set standard they believe could have the best outcome selecting the most beauteous individual. A set standard that force a person to change its original image from simple to complicated. Enhancing and modifying a persons overall aura to any chemical or technology just to follow the set standards not knowing that the real beauty of simpleness and originality is the best beauty.

Some cling on the traditional definition of beauty. A beauty that was not explored by the modern technology have not been undergone surgery. For them undergoing surgery like: nose lift, breast augmentation, buttock surgery, liposuction and other beauty enhancement is not the real beauty but an artificial beauty. Since those enhancement will wither when the it comes to its expiry date. While the real beauty even at age, still glows and be recognizable on the eye of the beholder.

The new generation now has different standard of beauty. They want a perfect beauty, which is captivating and stunning. Many women strive and struggle to get the perfect shape of the body, a flawless skin, and eye catching face like an angel. They are not afraid to undergo under the knife, apply whatever they believe could help in maintaining and improving oneself. But this modern method sometimes are not successful, there are many failures encountered to the extent of ruining the beauty that instead of improving it deteriorates, there were deformities and other health conditions due to the side effects of chemicals. Many became victims of failed surgery thus, causing depression and anxiety for what have been done under the knife could never be undone.

Simplicity is beauty. To be simple is the real beauty. No need of beauty regimen and surgery for beauty will glow without enhancement. To be original is the exact beauty, the original character and the original personality, the original you as a person. For the real beauty of a person could not be seen in the surface, it is the inner beauty. The character, the attitude, the belief and how each person perceive life. It is a person's dealings on the community, the way a person interacts on other human being that surrounds him. It is the goodness and his ability to deal with different kinds people with patience and the endurance to listen on a boring tale of a certain individual. To know what is right or wrong, to say sorry for any mistakes or blunder committed and to show gratitude for favors received. A person who knows what is values, and live with values. The kind of individual who values life and let God be in the center of his life.

A person who is contented in his simple beauty will live simply. His happiness is shallow and easily be found for simple things delighted him. For him ordinary things are great and helpful in his life and he does not ask for more, for he is contented and happy what he has within his reach.

For you, what is simplicity is beauty? Do you prefer in simpleness?

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