From Dream to Reality: How I Accomplished the Impossible #139

Life is indeed filled with unfulfilled dreams. This makes me remember my cousin who died of a damaged kidney. Despite dialysis, she still died. We had hoped the dialysis would make her feel better, but it seems to have sped up her death.

She certainly had dreams, and now that she's gone, those dreams can no longer be fulfilled. I am reminded of how fragile life can be. We must cherish the moments we have with our loved ones and appreciate every opportunity we are given. We should not take life for granted.


Photo by Arthur Brognoli from Pexels

As I read the question, I stopped suddenly and wondered, "Does it mean that I've never achieved a dream that I never imagined would come true in my life? But then I realized I had just achieved something very important that I'd been putting off due to financial constraints.

For me, gaining admission to the university is a dream come true.

A few years back, when I had just graduated from high school, I remember all my classmates preparing to write the Senior School Certificate Examination. This exam is taken after students have completed grade 12.

Due to financial constraints, I couldn't sit for the exam with my classmates because my parents couldn't afford to register me. Life changed for me after that period, and over time I forgot about the exam.

In Nigeria, without this result, it is impossible to gain admission to the university. The result is proof that you completed high school. Thinking about this now makes me appreciate the good people I have in my life. They never stopped reminding and encouraging me to pursue higher education.

Due to a lack of money, I also couldn't do anything about it. Nevertheless, several years after I had my son, even though I thought I had left my books for a long time and I would have to deal with doing the exam with students much younger than myself, I still hustled and earned enough money to cover the registration fees and other expenses necessary to take the exam.

After writing the exam, I was happy that I had finally written that exam. The day finally came for me to check my results, and when I glanced through them at first, I was happy, until I reached the subject of English, where I received a D. I was filled with disappointment and regret. I had worked hard for that exam and hoped for a better result.

Getting a D in English meant that I would have to retake the exam. I felt so heartbroken and wanted to give up. The thought of having to raise another piece of money all alone weighed me down so much. I felt so devastated and wanted to give up.

There was no one I could turn to since I was dependent on myself. My next attempt at taking the exam was almost impossible two years later, however at the right time God helped me and blessed me, and with ease, I was able to register for that exam again, and I made it.

The next stage was finally within reach, but one constant thought never left my mind: "Where will I get the money from"?

God willing, six months later, I applied for part-time admission to the university. This happened earlier this month when I discovered the registration period is on and would end by the end of the month.

The truth is that I had not planned to do it anytime soon because I was looking at the fact that I did not have the financial capability yet. As I am paying all the bills myself, I was thinking about my rent due next month and how it would affect my finances, but I knew I had to trust God regardless.

Also, I was able to make this dream possible financially by powering down my hive power to cover all my financial needs in hopes of rebuilding it later.

The dream of studying a course of my choice at the university came true and I'm glad I didn't give up.

Although the journey has just begun, I'm sure I'll look back and be glad I was brave enough to move beyond the fear of uncertainty.

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