A Day in the Life of a Provincial Girl

Yesterday, my parents went to Chonghua Hospital. They went there at 6 a.m. and came home at 6 p.m. What will you do if your parents are not in your house for a day and they go somewhere? Will you follow all their commands that they gave you? Will you clean your house and do all the household chores? If you have animals or pets, will you feed all of them, even if you're a girl? For me, yes, I will. It's not easy to be entrusted to the house and to the animals, even for a day. Annyeonghaseyo, my dear Hivers. It's me once again, your friend @jenajean. Today, I want to share with you what happened to my life yesterday as a provincial girl.

As I woke up early in the morning, I quickly went outside and washed our clothes. We don't have a washing machine, so I used my hands. As soon as I finished washing my clothes, I hung them out to dry in the warm sunshine. After that, I took a refreshing bath. My parents bid their goodbyes to me as they will go to Chonghua Hospital for the checkup of my father. I hope my father is recovering well from his high blood sugar and kidney stones.

I went to our cows to feed them. This was our cow's home. What do you think about it? It's just simple, right? However, our cows were safe there.

After feeding them, I decided to get bungalong (I don't know what this is called in English, but we called it here bungalong. It's a type of grass) and corn leaves for their food to eat.

I'm tired, so tired. Despite the exhaustion I felt, my tiredness gradually faded away as I admired the breathtaking views. As you can see, there's a corn field. That corn field is owned by our neighbor, Maria. It was close to our cows home. The clouds were particularly beautiful that day, yesterday. It seems like it's perfectly placed in the sky. The view of the sky is more beautiful because of the corn and the coconut tree.

How's the view and the clouds? Does it satisfy you?

After feeding and gathering food for our cows, I returned home to feed our goats. We now have two goats, as my father recently bought another one. They bought it so our other goat wouldn't shout "me, me, me" again and would have a companion.

I tied the food so they could eat it. The floor was quite dirty, so I decided to clean it. I quickly finished cleaning; it only took 5 minutes, I guess. And look at the results! Their home was now clean and safe. They could now sleep peacefully without minding the surroundings.



After that, I took a break by continuing to watch the K-drama "Taxi Driver." I highly recommend this K-drama to everyone; it's fantastic. It's an action drama with no boring episodes. There's even a second season. After watching season 1, I proceeded to season 2. And right now, I'm on season 2, episode 5. I became addicted to this drama, like Dr. Romantic.

Screenshot of the app Bili Bili
Season 1

Season 2
Each season consists of 16 episodes.

While watching kdrama, someone called my phone, and it's my parcel delivery. I ordered a clipfan, and it arrived. I'm just so happy that the rider delivered it to our house.

Around 10 a.m., I cooked rice and took another rest. What a tiring morning! After eating, I returned to our cows and goats to feed them again. You need to feed them after 2-3 hours because they are hungry again, just like humans. I decided to cook corn, as I miss eating it. I immediately went to our corn field to get some. These are all the ones the ones that I picked.
I put it in our kaldero and cooked it. It takes time to cook; I think it needs 10–20 minutes.

I fed our cows five times and our goats the same number of times. They have a full stomach. I'm happy to see them be full. At 5 p.m., I cooked rice and Utan bisaya (my parents love this).
It's a mix of different veggies.

Have you ever tried eating this one?

Since it has a high temperature, I decided to water our plants, our different kinds of plants, and some vegetables. We don't have sprinklers, so I just used tabo.

I didn't forget to feed our chickens, either. After that, I ate and took a rest again. What a tiring day! However, despite those, it seems like I did my duty as a daughter successfully.

When my parents went home by 6 p.m., I immediately asked them how the result was. Then my mom said, "It's all now normal," but they still need to be back there in February. And the medicine that my father needed to take was now three times a week instead of once a day. I'm now so happy for him. Thanks to God.

That's why you shouldn't be so lazy, okay? Do what your parents told you. Follow them, as long as it's not a crime.

Maybe some of you hate provinces, but province are better than cities. You can breathe fresh air, you can see mountain views, you can go to different places of nature, and you can plant whatever you want. You can have peaceful surroundings that are far from crowded. That's why you shouldn't ever tell people that provinces are only for poor people, because even though we're poor, at least we're able to breathe fresh air every day away from pollution, and we have a more peaceful mind than others.

Oh! You're at the end of my blog. Hopefully, you enjoy reading. I would be delighted and appreciate it if you could leave your support along with your kind words in the comment section. Thank you. May you have a good day.🥰🥰

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