The most beautiful memories of my dog ​​relatives. Ladies of Hive Community Contest #136


This week our friend @elizabethbit, from the #ladiesofhive community, asks us two questions that in this blog I am going to ask as if it were one since photos have always been a hobby for me, I love taking photos because everything is reflected there the pleasant memory that we always remember about certain special moments.


In these photos you see my daughter's pet who adopted me as her mother. A year ago she no longer accompanies us and precisely died next to my bed. She always licked my legs and accompanied me everywhere. The only part where he didn't follow me was to the bathroom and when I went out of the house. If I went to the house next door where my sister lived, she would follow me there and lie next to me. She was my shadow in the house and I only gave her food and sometimes I gave her a sweetie, but it was my daughter who always dressed her and made her cakes on her birthday.


Through these photos we have the advantage of remembering her and remembering that she did not like to be dressed, she was paralyzed when she had clothes on, she loved birthdays. He always barked, implying that he was singing the birthday song that we sang.


In Villa de Leyva, Boyaca, Colombia, God gave me this beautiful pet that followed me everywhere on the farm where I walked every morning. And I say that he gave it to me because it was not something that I was looking for since I was visiting Colombia and I knew that I could not bring it to Venezuela when I had to return.

When I got to the farm he followed me from afar until one day he came over to eat what I offered him and from there he was my inseparable companion. When I worked in the restaurant, I brought him food that was left on the plates almost intact and he gave himself the banquets, he gained weight and grew very fast. During that year he was my best company and when I left the city to go to Medellin he died and left me a nice memory with this photo.

Pets are part of our family, they are intelligent and let us know what they want even though they don't talk like us. We must be aware that having a pet is like having a child that you have to take care of and love and they will respond with more love than you give them because their dedication is total towards their master.



Traduccion al Español:

Los mas bellos recuerdos de mis familiares perrunos. Ladies of Hive Community Contest #136

Esta semana nuestra amiga @elizabethbit, de la comunidad de #ladiesofhive, nos hace dos preguntas que en este blog voy a hacerla como si fuera una ya que las fotos para mi siempre han sido una aficcion, me encanta tomar fotos porque ahi queda plasmado todo el recuerdo agradable que siempre recordamos sobre ciertos momentos especiales.

En estas fotos ven a la mascota de mi hija que me adopto a mi como su mama. Hace un año ella ya no nos acompaña y precisamente murio al lado de mi cama. Ella siempre me lamia las piernas y me acompañaba a todas partes. La unica parte a donde no me seguia era al baño y cuando salia fuera de casa. Si yo iba a la casa de al lado que alli vivia mi hermana, ella me seguia para alla y se echaba a mi lado. Era mi sombra en la casa y yo solo le daba la comida y a veces le hacia un cariñito, pero era mi hija la que siempre la vestia y le hacia sus tortas el dia de su cumpleaños.

Por medio de estas fotos tenemos la ventaja de recordarla y recordar que no le gustaba que la vistieran, se paralizaba cuando tenia ropa puesta, le encantaban los cumpleaños. Siempre ladraba, dando a entender que estaba cantando la cancion de cumpleaños que nosotros entonamos.

En Villa de Leyva, Boyaca, Colombia, Dios me regalo esta hermosa mascota que me seguia a todas partes de la finca donde caminaba todas las mañanas. Y digo que me la regalo porque no fue algo que yo estuviera buscando ya que me encontraba de visita en Colombia y sabia que no podria traermelo a Venezuela cuando me tocara regresar.

Cuando llegue a la finca el me seguia desde lejos hasta que un dia se acerco para comer de lo que le ofrecia y desde alli fue mi compañero inseparable. Cuando trabaje en el restaurante le traia comida de la que dejaban en los platos casi intacta y el se daba los banquetes, engordo y crecio muy rapido. Durante ese año fue mi mejor compañia y cuando sali de la ciudad para irme a Medellin el murio y me dejo un lindo recuerdo con esta foto.

Las mascotas son parte de nuestra familia, ellos son inteligentes y nos hacen saber lo que quieren a pesar de que no hablan como nosotros. Debemos ser conscientes de que tener una mascota es como tener a un niño que hay que cuidar y querer y ellos te responderan con mas amor del que tu le das porque su entrega es total hacia su amo.


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