Philippines' Independence Day

Today is the Philippines' Independence Day.

Not many know that our country actually has had 3 independence days because we are only commemorating the first one which was June 12, 1898.

This was the time when the late General Emilio Aguinaldo declared independence in Kawit, Cavite after being colonized by the Spaniards for more than 300 years. It was the first time that the Philippine flag was raised, but the Spaniards did not recognize it.

The Americans took the place of the Spaniards, and both signed a treaty wherein the latter ceded to the Americans and freed the Philippines. The Philippines did not like it.

Filipinos fought with the Americans but lost and did not have a choice but to surrender to them. American colonization lasted until 1942. At that time Japan planned to dominate the whole of Asia until it took over the Philippines in 1943.

The American came back in the picture in 1945 when it bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. With hundreds of thousands of casualties, Japan did not have a choice but to surrender Philippines again to the Americans. Finally, Philippines was granted full independence on July 4, 1946, by the Americans, same date as their Independence Day.

I am sure some of you think, “Then why June 12 and not July 4?”, but I think a more important thing to realize is that Independence Day should be a celebration of freedom. It is NOT just an ordinary holiday.

Photos edited with Pic Collage.

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