Walk 'N Shoot😊

We went out early in the morning for mass then headed to the father-in-law's place afterward. The husband needed to pick up some stuff which he had forgotten yesterday. Since it is a Sunday, Papa isn't around. He's a church Pastor and his congregation is 2.5 hours drive away.

We were about to leave when I remembered to have some pictorial. That's rare, lol! Also, we wanted our little guy to enjoy the pine needles scattered along the roadsides. The dust had at least been washed away because it rained last night.

The hubby was game so a quick change of outfit and we were on for a short walk. The Farmboy just behind us to take photographs😅

Yep, I want to rock my new shirt with the gorgeous Ladies of Hive print on it. I intentionally had it printed at the back so people behind me would see. And oops, it also draws attention to my broad shoulder😅

Anyhow, our anyongi was excited as usual and went on with his investigation (sniffing) as soon as I put him down. Accordingly, sniffing is their way of getting to know their environment so we let him do his thing.

A few cars passed by so we just took a few shots and waited for our little guy to play for a little while before we drove away to find a place for lunch.

Most food houses in town are closed during Sundays but we were glad to find a new place which we haven't been to before. We ordered Carbonara and Baked Penne only for the attendant to come back apologizing that they ran out of pasta, lol!

The other dishes on their menu were mostly unavailable too so we ended up having sizzlers, fish sisig for me and pork for the husband plus lemonade for our drinks.


Yeah, the hubby took another shot of my back while we were there, lol! No other customers besides us and the other couple at the next table so it was pretty quiet. Our little boy was well-behaved as usual although he wasn't in the mood to eat something.

The food was flavorful by the way. Our plates were almost clean when we left our table, lol! We probably visit the restaurant again someday for a taste of their pizza and pasta.

We were back home around 2 pm and it took me a good half an hour or so to bathe my boy. Drying him is always the challenge as he hates the hair dryer. He should be getting used to it by now but I think he doesn't like the sound of it.

So yep, that's pretty much how we spent our Sunday. It was different yet the same, lol! Fun too, of course!

Happy weekend, frens!

Photos are my own, courtesy of the husband. 07042024/20:15ph

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