A Short Ode to Mom

Mothers are like glue. Even when you can't see them, they are still holding the family together.

~ Susan Gale

Motherhood got to be the most noble career there is. It has no time (day) off or even a retirement period. It is a lifetime job (not sure if I can call it that) and I am out of words that truly describe what mothers are. Well, except that I believe they are heaven-sent!

I was a daddy's girl (and still is) but that does not mean I care less about my Mom, the extraordinary woman who made our house a home as we know it and still does today, even when she is physically fragile. She's 72 going 73 and has been homebound for almost 3 years now due to health complications. But she's a warrior and getting through it all, gracefully.

This was a photo of her hand at the hospital not so long ago.

I'm no good with words but I did try my best and crafted a short ode, especially for her, the mothers in my circle, and all the incredible mamas on the face of the earth. Here we go:

In your heart, a love so pure, steadfast, and true;

On your face, a smile so sweet, soothes our worries and fears.

In your arms, an embrace so warm and comforting

And in your wisdom, we found our guiding light.

You ushered us through with love and care,

Weathering storms with pride and grace,

Your faith unwavering, through laughter and tears.

Showing us life isn't always a bed of roses.

Mom, you're extraordinary and rare, a gift from the heavens

In your love, we find comfort and warmth beyond compare.

Here's to you Mom and all the mothers, so loving and true,

In your selflessness, we are truly blessed.

Thank you... thank you... thank you... and I love you...

It's Mother's Day in most places and while I didn't have the chance to spend it physically with my Mom (my bad, I felt so wasted from yesterday's affairs), we did have some good laughs in the morning, along with my two sisters. The conversations we had inspired the short phrases above. And I just hope they at least convey how remarkable and incomparable mothers are.

Thank you and Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommy/Mama/Mom out there! You are a gift!

This is my response to this week's first question from Mariela in the LoH prompt which also coincided with the topic for the day in the MayInLeo initiative. I encourage you to check them out if you have not already done so :)

Photo is my own. 12052024/21:02ph

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