Hair products for Curly Girl Method (CGM)


Along with the hair dryer that I recently bought for my curly hair, I also have these products that are what most curlies who follow the Curly Girl Method use. The CGM is a hair routine that encourages people with curly hair to just embrace their natural curls all while taking good care of it and having a method that manages the hair easier and so the hair can be seen in its true form.

Growing up the only curly haired in the family, I literally have no idea how to manage my hair and I've always seen it as ugly since it will always be messy or just been in a ponytail to tame and hide it. I got my hair from my dad but he always keep his hair short like military cut so that doesn't count LOL and he doesn't have to worry about managing it you know.

I only tried a few products for my hair but never really followed a certain method since like I said I don't have anyone to ask and the internet weren't that accessible that time.

I recently just found out about the Curly Girl Method (ye I know, very late XD) because a few years back I thought I already was managing my hair well. I didn't know there's still a better way to take care of it.


Now that I'm also financially okay, I can invest in some products to bring out the best of my hair. :D


The first product that I haven't tried yet is the Curls by Zenutrients. Apparently, it's a local brand and that these products are fit for the CGM. Quite amazing as years before, there was literally 99% of products in the store for straight hair. I didn't see (at least for my experience) any curly hair products and if there was, it was only rare.

Now there's actually a Filipino brand for curly hair!

On the left is the sulfate-free shampoo which according to the CGM, chemicals such as sulfate, alcohol, and silicone shouldn't be on your shampoo since it messes or dries the hair faster. If you're gonna follow strictly the CGM, you should buy products like these.

They are quite pricey unlike the drug store shampoo brands that I used before but it's a wallet sacrifice I'm willing to make to make my hair even better.

They smell good too!


Next ones are the everyday conditioner and one that has keratin. The Suave brand is actually quite rare for me to see here, at least in my area, so I had to shop them online. I can probably see them in local grocery stores in the international section but haven't really checked haha but this one is BIG and the price was okay. It's supposed to be my daily conditioner that I will use in the shower and rinse it afterwards.

The Keraplus is another conditioner but more like a mini brazilian blowout for the hair. It isn't like a treatment so this can be used daily. This makes my hair softer than using a normal conditioner although I would probably use it every other day.


These are the Cantu products that I was really excited to try! These are supposed to be used for styling, just after washing and applied before drying the hair.

In every CGM I've seen, there's always at least one Cantu product so I really searched online for this brand. Luckily there are several online stores (local) that sell these. Quite sad these brand isn't here yet since probably they don't see the demand in the Filipino market yet so I have to buy it from shops that order it in bulk abroad.

These were also quite pricey given that the resellers have to order it from abroad but in the USA it's actually cheaper lol like $6 or something.


The one on the left is the Coconut Curling Cream which makes the hair more defined and styled without having that sticky and crunch-ish like what gel does. As you can see on the photo, it's still thick but a little bit runny compared to the leave-in conditioner (right).

The one on the right is the Leave In Conditioner used to still manage the hair better but main thing it does is to moisturize. Curly and coiled hair are easier to dry out than straight and wavy hair so it needs a lot of moisture.

Both of these SMELL SO FUCKING GOOD. They smell like coconut and pineapple hahaha. They smell yummy, that even my dog thought it was some treat that I would let him taste. I really love the smell.


Next one is this water-based gel from Bench. It adds to the definition of the hair. I was quite hesitant to use this since gels give that CRUNCH feeling haha which I don't really like but I will soon try it anyway, just putting a small amount to it.

The brush is for my baby hairs. I will soon try styling it too like how the Insta girls do it lol. :D


I know what you're thinking.


Yeah, I had the same reaction. Apparently, it's a detangler brush. As what the name says, it detangles the hair without doing harsh damage as the bristles are all flexible compared to the normal wide-toothed comb/brushes.


As you can see, it is VERY flexible and you can just wiggle it easily haha. I tried it and it's actually pretty effective while not really pulling my hair harshly. I also had minimal hair on the brush afterwards, meaning it didn't pull them out of my scalp.


That tiny pink thing can also be used to put them in place. I haven't tried this method yet but I think it makes the brush to have more force if your hair is that tangled.


This silicone scalp massager is used to massage the hair during shampooing and I bought it because I usually have long styled nails so they get messed up when I massage my scalp with my fingers. This one feels good on the scalp and it's pretty soft. :D


The comb is to pick my hair near the roots to add volume after styling and drying it. The curled wired hair ties are useful for my curly hair without putting pressure on it, and I just realized it now lol.

The microfiber towel also is there specifically to dry the hair as the CGM says the normal bath towel (terrycloth) actually kinda messes up curly hair cos it's harsh. Microfiber is soft and hair slides to it easily.


Lastly, this is a Denman brush. Well, not an original one but still. LOL

This brush is specifically for curly hair and is used for styling. Unlike the detangler brush, what it does is it is used to evenly brush the hair and gives it another dimension while also letting the hair products spread evenly. Unlike other brushes, it makes the hair curl even more, encourages it to be defined.


The curved bristles does the magic.

Since this one is not the original Denman brush, I have to try it first and see if I need it because the original one costs $20 or so. Yeah, $20 for a brush is a big step lol so I have to try it first and see if it is good on me. :D

Yes, I know.

A lot of products for the hair.

If you know someone who has curly hair you'll know that we really use tons of products just to bring out those nice curls without messing them at the end of the day.

I also seen a lot of Tiktoks that they realized they have curly hair (and not straight) after using these products which is wrong lol. If they have to force their hair to be curly, then they aren't curly.

Note that these products DON'T make the curls, we will still have curly hair even if we don't use them. It just helps us manage our curls better and moisturize it to bring out the best look.

Just pretty annoying to be bullied and be seen as different species just because of our curly hair and now that it's trending, everyone forces themselves to be like one. XD

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed looking at the products and also enjoy the journey with me. I will make series of posts about the progress too and I can't wait to try some of these. :D

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