Changemakers: Building a Better Community- Ladies of Hives #183

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Hello Beautiful Ladies of Hive, For this week's contest, This is my entry for Ladies of Hive contest #183.

What was the last photo you took?


join me as I introduce you to the last photo of this week that I took is our empowering and beautiful women and youth together with our Barangay officials and SK officials (youth organization).


The entrance to our Barangay is to pass the new yellow bridge before you can enter our barangay,4 years ago our old bridge collapsed due to a typhoon to be able to enter our barangay we should pass on the river so sometimes when the water is high we couldn't get through to the other side of the main road to buy some goods or go to our schools and work but to thanks to our Barangay officials, they immediately work for the new bridge which very important on the daily lives on the community.


I love to take photos on the bridge because it has a picturesque that facing the greenery of the mountain so I took a photo of my friend and I love how she did I love this photo.
After that, before you can reach out to the home you should save your breath because on our way home the road was elevated which can take your breath away.


Also in our community, there was a place where you could get nice photos because of how coconut trees protect the road from the sunlight which is good for kids to ride their bikes or play somehow these places were popular for picture-taking when someone passed by these places.



I like how our women's community does and leads the Bayanihan (helping each other) youth to make them more productive, Once in a while our community together with the Barangay officials and youth of our community does a clean-up drive to maintain our community clean and green.


One thing that I was amazed about was they do this in a way they enjoy they share laughter and stories about why doing their tasks in our community is indeed our light on the community if they will lead the goodness that follows them.


In this generation some young people focus on technology, making social life and worst was they involved in drugs or early pregnancy some young people defy their parents.


Thanks to our SK Chairmain ( Youth Chairman) he does some programs to maintain and prevent our youth from more worst scenarios.

Our youth have a hidden talent that waits to be appointed, and so bares showing our support to them they show their talent that has been hidden, Some of our youth have the potential to play good sports.

We also recognized to youth the importance of Bayanihan (helping in every clean-up drive, we always called out all our youth to participate and thanks to our youth they always made it.


In our community we don't buy the water we just pitch it in our tubed ( dip water ) nature spring some of the young kids in our community, have a responsibility at a young age even in their tiny bodies they pitch water for drinking or water to take a bath, even in the young age they help their parents in there simplest way, their parents what them to learn how to be responsible on the duties that been tasked to them.


Women in our community had a big impact on the young people in our community, they are the role models of our youth and their small steps followed by our youth give our community the biggest help to be a better community.

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