Quick and simple cookie with only 3 ingredients

Today i decide to shear with you my favourite cookie made at home , its not my favourite because its too delicious but its because am a lazy girl and i want quick and delicious cookie ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜…. So i decided to shear with u my lazy cookie .

  • so what we need is simple:
  • three eggs ( using just eggs whites)
  • 150g crushed coconut
    -250g sucar powder
  • so all we need to do is to mix the three ingredients together and mixed until its become like this ( you can use two spoons of hot water )

  • then after its becomes
    A perfect the dough we putt it In the fridge for a while ( 10 min)

  • after that we took the dough and we start make some cookies tablets ( the shape u like )

*then we put it into the oven with 180ยค

'And now u got a lazy tasty cookie that you will enjoy to eat it for all day ๐Ÿ˜Š

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