[LOH #178] Family Is Everything

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Hello friends, how's the week been so far?
It's another weekly prompt of the @ladiesofhive community. I'm glad to participate.

Personally the term "Family comes first" is not just a mare saying to me , it's the guide of my doctrine as well as my existence with love.

Firstly "family comes first" exemplifies the essential beliefs that the bonds we share with our family are unbreakable and sacred. Except from being related by blood , there is a deep connection created through experiences shared, and emotions shared and as well as so many other countless moments that creates and grow stronger bonds
Also , in my point of view , Family isn't just some group of persons bonded by genetics, it's a safe space where I find my peace and comfort in the chaotic moment of existence , with absolute acceptance and love , It's the heartfelt embrace from a loved one after having a hectic long day, the soothing words of encouragement and hopes in times of uncertainty and self doubts, and the silent word of understanding .


While some may not agree to this but prioritizing family above every other thing in life isn't a sign of selfishness and vulnerability , I personally think it's the recognition of the deep impact they have on shaping who I am and who I strive to be. It's also about fostering our relationships and investing our efforts and time into building stronger bonds and cherishing single every moment spent with each other cause it a precious gift that's also irreplaceable

Sometimes as humans we tend to be at our lowest moment and confused about the next step to be taken. In such cases my family is the compass, guiding me towards the right lane ,reminding me that I'm not alone and they've got my back.

In conclusion the phase isn't only about getting love and support from them, it's also about returning those energies and being available for them when they need me no matter how little it'll be. It's also about being a resting shoulder not just physically, but mentally and emotionally , it also means being a helping hand, a listening ear no matter how minor the problem seems or simply just sharing in their moments of joys and sorrows.

"Family comes first" is a way of life I posses it's a daily reminder that no matter what's life brings to the table my family will always be my first choice and the greatest source of my joy which I'll forever be grateful for cause they are priceless and irreplaceable.

Thank you for reading

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