Figuring the Roadmap to Better Parenting || LOH 186


Hello lovelies, it's the third and last week of the collaboration between #Dreemport and the #Ladiesofhive, it's been really interesting talking about our mom's and mother figures in our lives. I hope you enjoy this.

What do you consider to be the three most pivotal qualities or traits that parents must possess in order to effectively fulfill this vital task?

The parents are the ones fundamentally in charge of a child from childhood till he or she becomes an adult, so whatever is instilled in the child while growing up is what he or she grows up to become, like we have the phrase Garbage in Garbage out in the computer world, that is whatever you put in should be what you should expect.

But as a parent can you give something you don't have? Like my pastor will always tell us, if nakedness promises you clothes will you accept? I believe most of us will laugh at this statement, but it's something to think about. Obviously there's nothing nakedness has to offer in the area of clothing, so some parents don't even have some traits they want to instill in their children.

Children are imitators, they see what you do and begin to do those things, whenever you see a child exhibiting some funny character outside that is not befiting for a child, just know that the child must have picked it up from the parents or any adult around.

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Some Traits Parents Should Have to Raise Great Children

Love and Affection

Parents should be loving and affectionate towards their children, this helps the child feel secure and also valued. When we talk about being loving and affectionate towards their children, it shouldn't be something that is just said, it has to be expressed as much as possible, the child needs to feel that love because there will always be a difference between a child raised in an environment of love and one that is raised in an environment devoid of love.

So have enough love for yourself as a parent first before you can be able give that love to you little ones. Don't feel worthless or valueless and then try to raise your children with love and affection, how do you intend to give that love to your children.


Another trait a parent should have themselves is discipline, before you begin disciplining your child, make sure you're also disciplined, don't say one thing and do something different, that says a lot about you already. As a parent, you should be disciplined enough to be able to discipline their children. Be a role model for your child, let them see that what you say is what you're actually doing, don't be that parent that will say one thing and then go behind and do something else entirely different from what you've been preaching at home.


As a parent you should be expressive, you should know who to communicate with others before even you start having children, you should understand the rudiments of communication that understanding is also part of communication, if you don't get this right, my dear, you will be in for some hot soup 😉 as regards bringing up your children.

Firstly you wouldn't know how to communicate with them, as communicating with children is another ball game altogether Secondly, you won't know how to teach your children to communicate amongst themselves and also among other children or even with adults.

So you pretty much need to be able to handle communication before wanting to teach your children, else you'll raise children that cannot express themselves or even communicate effectively, and that is not healthy.

These are only a few of the traits a parent must possess in other to raise whole rounded children, there are more, but these are like the basics and you can grow and improve on these.

This is my submission for the #Dreemport and #Ladiesofhive collaboration. I hope you enjoyed the read,thanks for stopping by🥰

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