LOH #203 contest: Three favorite movies

Hello beautiful ladies of Hive, for this week contest #203 this is my entry. Three (3) favorite movie to watch on a weekend and why chose them.


At this point, you all are free to call me a movie freak because why not. Watching movies to me is one way of relieving myself from the days stress, and also another way to make me forget about all the numerous issues of life. Again some movies are pillers of strength and encouragement to me not to give up but keep moving. Although I love movies a lot but I can be very very picky when it comes to the kind of movie I see because truth be told, some movies corrupt good manners of which I don't want for myself.

Moving on to my three best picks, my most rated and number one film is "War Room".

War Room is a spiritual and faith base movie which clearly spot women supporting women. The word war room doesn't mean a battle ground where physical bullets, swords are exchanged but it does means a place of battle. Confused right? Don't worry I'll explain better. This movie is about the Jordan family and miss clara. The Jordans are example of family that looks perfect from the outside (in the eyes of people) but from the inside they are just that sad family with everything wrong about their marriage. Thanks to miss clara who trust in the Lord whole heartedly and God used her to rejuvenate the Jordans once again praying fervently in prayer for them. So war room simply means a place of prayer.

My second pick is the movie tittle "God Is African".
God is African is a Ghanaian movie which also speaks volume about faith. Amana is a woman who works tirelessly in God's vainyard but then has been married for ten years without the fruit of the womb. At some point she doubted if she was ever gonna bear a child of which her faith was tested upon. After overcoming so many trials of life to the point her womb was eradicated her faith was still high in God and without a womb Amana conceived of a Baby girl cause she never gave up on God.

Lastly, Desperate Maria .
Maria is a beautiful lady who has come of age but yet no man of her own. Out of her desperation she agreed to get married to a man who never knew she existed all thanks to the guys parent. Her desperation made her become a maid in her own house and gradually she was becoming a shadow of herself. Knowing fully well her desperation was leading her to an early grave, she decided to come out of her shell of which she happily found true love in the one that cherish her most.

These three movies are my best pick for the weekend which encourages one to always have faith in God and never be too desperate in life.

This is my response to the ladies of Hive weekly prompt, contest #203 and thanks to @irenenavarroart for the topics.

All photos are screenshots from YouTube

Thank you for your time, peace🕊️

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