Breaking Free: My Journey Through Heartbreak, Trauma, and Healing #203

"Life is a function of the choices we make," a statement that has come to make sense to me as I grow older.

Trigger Warning: This story involves sensitive topics, including abuse, trauma, and abortion.

My Story

2019 was a tough year for me. Fresh out of college, heartbroken, and abandoned, I felt like I was hanging by a thread. That's when I met a man, recently separated from his wife of 10 years and four children.

He saw me as a shoulder to lean on, and I, in my vulnerability, got swept up in a romantic relationship that lasted four painful years.

The Darkness

He made promises that sounded like a dream, but I was wrong to trust him. My life became controlled, confined, and isolated. I couldn't share my struggles with friends, and I felt trapped.

The relationship took a toll on my mental health, and I made choices that still haunt me today, including an abortion – my darkest secret.

The Aftermath
Those years were the worst of my life. I struggled to wake up each day, feeling like I'd lost my chance at happiness. I cried myself to sleep, hiding my pain behind a mask of sickness.

Last year, I started experiencing weird dreams, and I was diagnosed with PTSD. Fear gripped me, and I isolated myself from everyone.

This Image Belongs to Me

The Turning Point
My parents grew worried as they watched their vibrant daughter fade away. That's when I turned back to God, praying for forgiveness and mercy. I forgave myself, too, and slowly began to heal.

A Message of Hope
If you're struggling, know that you're not alone. My story is a testament to the human spirit's capacity for resilience and healing.

Don't be afraid to:

Seek help

Forgive yourself

Start anew

You're stronger than you think.

The Holy Bible was my guide, motivational books on healing and wholeness by Bishop David Oyedepo, Some of my friends from GPI girls power initiative helped in my healing process.

Thank you for stopping by on my blog. I wish you all a lovely week.

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