New Year, New challenges.


We start the new year with a holiday, I have only a few days while my husband has almost 3 weeks off, during which he does not intend to idle. Our apartment needs refreshment, especially since recently our 3-year-old decided to fulfill himself creatively by creating paintings 馃槉 on the walls with a felt-tip pen.



We decided to let the creative passions of our children develop so one of the walls was painted with blackboard and magnetic paint, we liked the effect so much that we decided to repaint the rest of the walls in the large room with blackboard paint and give them no other expression.



Since the whole room in black would be heavy and depressing, I ordered purple and gray blackboard paint, I think we will be happy with the new face of our room when we manage to finish painting.



In the coming days, my husband will begin to dismantle the old trampoline in our garden so that on January 22, a larger one will be in it as a birthday present for Alex, who will soon be seven years old. Wealso do not have the construction of a new playground, probably in March or April, when my husband gets overtime from the last six months (it will be a large injection of cash, so according to our tradition, part of the funds obtained in this way will be invested in pleasures for our children).


In January we will also start renovating the bathroom, but we will divide it into several stages, because it will be a big financial burden, on the other hand, I am lucky, because my husband is a handyman and he does all the renovations himself, he likes to do it, and I really appreciate it. I am glad that so far everything is going according to plan and we are slowly implementing our assumptions, but we are not going to work only on renovation or other things.


Today we started to put together a set of 1000 puzzles as a family, it will take a lot of time, but it will be a lot of fun, we like to do things as a family, the plan for the next few days is also to work out new board games.


In January, apart from minor revolutions in the apartment and on the plot, I have a few exams, the next one on Sunday, I have to repeat a few issues tomorrow, but it should be ok, the lecturer gave us the scope of material in the last class and it did not seem too heavy.


The hardest thing for me to gather is to write an essay on sociology, I have no idea what topic to choose. In January we will also start the marathon, after the doctors because until the end of March Alex has an active disability certificate, and it would be good if he had it active when we choose the primary school to which he will go from September.


I think that I will make the final choice of school, only after visiting the pedagogical and psychological clinic when I talk to the psychologist and speech therapist from the clinic, they were very helpful in diagnosing Alex and I hope that they will serve me with advice, because the decision as to the choice of school is not easy.


Tomorrow in the plan, I have some social work, so I will help in the management of our allotment gardens, because probably waiting for me some papirology, in addition, I know that we are waiting for the fee to be set for this year before the meeting of allotment gardeners and unfortunately the fee will be strongly raised, because the councilors of our city have strongly raised the fee for garbage because by as much as 200 percent and we do not have in this matter, no room for maneuver, despite the fact that every user of ROD already pays for garbage from a person living in his house.


It's a bit unfair that we're not doubling our taxes, but there's nothing we can do about it. I will say, frankly, the increase is colossal, because a year ago we paid 14,000 for garbage per year as ROD, while this year we will have a fee of 44,000, not only that everyone in their mono household feels the effects of inflation, but also my beloved city and its councillors, they give us additional fees so that they can push the city's coffers themselves.


I am very frustrated by this fact, because RODs are the green lungs of my city, unlike parks, their maintenance rests on the shoulders of their users, who every year invest a lot of money, making new plantings, taking care of biodiversity in their areas, it is of great ecological importance and is a real benefit for the city, it is a pity that instead of appreciating it, you put a foot in the leg of those who do something really good for all residents.


It is also sad that these increases will make a lot of older people decide to sell their gardens, because such a large increase in fees affects the possibility of paying for the garden. Returning to our plans for the coming days, we decided not to lose weight and from Monday we start not to take more care of our diet, the plan is also a bit of movement and on the horizon there is a vision of a family skating trip.


Maybe my husband and I can also go on a date to the cinema, it would be a nice change, I think it's worth finding a moment for each other and nurturing the relationship you have with your loved one, because nothing is given to us once and for all. There are a lot of thoughts in my head, there are a lot of things that I would like to accomplish, I need to calm down a bit so that I can arrange it all so as not to overload myself or my beloved husband too much.


In a few days I will receive new glasses, I wonder if my husband will like them, I planned to buy others and finally I chose a completely different model, I admit that I am waiting for them with longing, because recently it is harder and harder for me to focus my eyes on reading. So I will accept the new glasses with relief on my face to hear soon, greetings to all.

I'm back to putting together puzzles 馃槉


Zaczynamy nowy rok od urlopu, ja mam raptem par臋 dni natomiast m膮偶 ma prawie 3 tygodnie wolnego podczas, kt贸rych nie zamierza pr贸偶nowa膰. Nasze mieszkanko wymaga od艣wie偶enia, zw艂aszcza, 偶e ostatnio nasz 3 latek postanowi艂 si臋 spe艂ni膰 tw贸rczo tworz膮c flamastrem obrazy na 艣cianach 馃槉.


Postanowili艣my da膰 si臋 rozwija膰 tw贸rczym pasjom naszych pociech wi臋c jedna ze 艣cian zosta艂a pomalowana farb膮 tablicowo magnetyczn膮, efekt na tyle nam si臋 spodoba艂, 偶e postanowili艣my przemalowa膰 reszt臋 艣cian w du偶ym pokoju farb膮 tablicow膮 i nada膰 im nie co innego wyrazu.


Z racji tego, 偶e ca艂y pok贸j w czarnych barwach by艂 by ci臋偶ki i depresyjny, zam贸wi艂am fioletow膮 i szar膮 farb臋 tablicow膮, my艣l臋, 偶e b臋dziemy zadowoleni z nowego oblicza naszego pokoju, gdy uda nam si臋 sko艅czy膰 malowanie.


W najbli偶szych dniach, m膮偶 zacznie demontowa膰 star膮 trampolin臋 w naszym ogrodzie, tak by na 22 stycznia, zago艣ci艂a w nim wi臋ksza w ramach prezentu urodzinowego dla Alexa, kt贸ry niebawem sko艅czy siedem lat. W planie mamy te偶 budow臋 nowego placu zabaw, prawdopodobnie w marcu lub kwietniu , gdy m膮偶 dostanie nadgodziny z ostatniego p贸艂rocza (b臋dzie to spory zastrzyk got贸wki, wi臋c zgodnie z nasz膮 tradycj膮 cz臋艣膰 艣rodk贸w w ten spos贸b uzyskanych zainwestujemy w przyjemno艣ci dla naszych pociech).


W styczniu zaczniemy te偶 remont 艂azienki, ale podzielimy go na kilka etap贸w, bo to b臋dzie spore obci膮偶enie finansowe, z drugiej strony mam szcz臋艣cie, bo m贸j m膮偶 to z艂ota r膮czka i wszystkie remonty wykonuje sam, lubi to robi膰, a ja naprawd臋 to doceniam. Ciesz臋 si臋, 偶e na razie wszystko idzie zgodnie z planem i powoli wdra偶amy w 偶ycie nasze za艂o偶enia, nie zamierzamy jednak tylko pracowa膰 nad remontem czy innymi rzeczami.


W planie jest te偶 troch臋 przyjemno艣ci dzi艣 zacz臋li艣my rodzinnie uk艂ada膰 zestaw 1000 puzzli, zajmie to sporo czasu, ale b臋dzie przy tym sporo frajdy, lubimy rodzinnie robi膰 r贸偶ne rzeczy, w planie na najbli偶sze dni jest r贸wnie偶 rozpracowanie nowych gier planszowych.


W styczniu opr贸cz drobnych rewolucji w mieszkaniu i na dzia艂ce, czeka mnie kilka egzamin贸w, najbli偶szy w niedziel臋, musz臋 jutro powt贸rzy膰 sobie kilka zagadnie艅, ale powinno by膰 ok, wyk艂adowca poda艂 nam zakres materia艂u na ostatnich zaj臋ciach i nie wydawa艂 si臋 on zbyt ci臋偶ki.


Najci臋偶ej zebra膰 mi si臋 do napisania eseju na socjologie, zupe艂nie nie mam pomys艂u jaki temat wybra膰. W styczniu zaczniemy czeka nas te偶 pocz膮tek maratonu, po lekarzach bo do ko艅ca marca Alex ma aktywne orzeczenie o niepe艂nosprawno艣ci, a dobrze by by艂o aby mia艂 je aktywne gdy b臋dziemy wybiera膰 szko艂臋 podstawow膮 do, kt贸rej trafi od wrze艣nia.


My艣l臋, 偶e ostatecznego wyboru szko艂y dokonam, dopiero po wizycie w poradni pedagogiczno-psychologicznej gdy porozmawiam z Pani膮 psycholog i logoped臋 z poradni, byli oni bardzo pomocni przy diagnozie Alexa i licz臋, 偶e pos艂u偶膮 mi rad膮, bo decyzja co do wyboru szko艂y nie jest prosta.


Jutro w planie, mam nieco pracy spo艂ecznej, wi臋c pomog臋 w zarz膮dzie naszych ogr贸dk贸w dzia艂kowych, bo pewnie czeka na mnie troch臋 papirologii, dodatkowo wiem, 偶e czeka nas ustalenie op艂aty na ten rok przed zebraniem dzia艂kowc贸w a niestety op艂ata b臋dzie mocno podniesiona, gdy偶 radni naszego miasta mocno podnie艣li op艂at臋 za 艣mieci bo a偶 o 200 procent i nie mamy w tej kwestii, 偶adnego pola manewru, mimo 偶e ka偶dy u偶ytkownik ROD-u p艂aci ju偶 za 艣mieci od osoby zamieszkuj膮cej jego dom.


Troch臋 to krzywdz膮ce, 偶e nie jako jeste艣my podwojenie opodatkowani, no ale nie mo偶emy na to nic poradzi膰. Powiem, szczerze podwy偶ka jest kolosalna, bo rok temu za 艣mieci w skali roku jako ROD p艂acili艣my 14 tysi臋cy, natomiast w tym roku czeka nas op艂ata rz臋du 44 tysi臋cy, nie do艣膰 偶e ka偶dy w swoim gospodarstwie domowym mono odczuwa skutki inflacji, to jeszcze moje kochane miasto i jego radni, dok艂adaj膮 nam dodatkowe op艂aty tak by sami mogli dopcha膰 kas臋 miasta.


Jestem mocno sfrustrowana tym faktem, gdy偶 ROD-y to zielone p艂uca mojego miasta, w przeciwie艅stwie do park贸w, ich utrzymanie spoczywa na barkach ich u偶ytkownik贸w, kt贸rzy ka偶dego roku inwestuj膮 du偶e pieni膮dze, wykonuj膮c nowe nasadzenia, dbaj膮c o bior贸偶norodno艣膰 na swoich obszarach, ma to du偶e znaczenie ekologiczne i jest realnym benefitem dla miasta, szkoda 偶e zamiast to doceni膰, podstawia si臋 nog臋 tym kt贸rzy robi膮 co艣 realnie dobrego dla wszystkich mieszka艅c贸w.


Przykre jest r贸wnie偶, to 偶e te podwy偶ki sprawi膮, 偶e sporo starszych os贸b zdecyduje si臋 na sprzeda偶 swoich ogrod贸w, gdy偶 tak du偶y wzrost op艂at w p艂ynie na mo偶liwo艣膰 op艂acania przez nich ogrodu. Wracaj膮c do naszych plan贸w na najbli偶sze dni, to postanowili艣my nie co schudn膮膰 i od poniedzia艂ku zaczynamy nie co bardziej dba膰 o nasz膮 diet臋, w planie jest te偶 odrobina ruchu a na horyzoncie maluje si臋 wizja wyprawy rodzinnej na 艂y偶wy.


Mo偶e uda nam si臋 te偶 z m臋偶em wyskoczy膰 na randk臋 do kina, by艂a by to mi艂a odmiana, my艣l臋 偶e warto znale藕膰 chwil臋 dla siebie nawzajem i piel臋gnowa膰 relacje, kt贸r膮 ma si臋 z ukochan膮 osob膮, bo nic nie jest nam dane raz na zawsze. W mojej g艂owie, k艂臋bi si臋 sporo my艣li, jest du偶o rzeczy, kt贸re chcia艂a bym zrealizowa膰, musz臋 si臋 troch臋 wyciszy膰, 偶eby uda艂o mi si臋 to wszystko pouk艂ada膰 tak by nie przeci膮偶y膰 zbytnio siebie ani mojego kochanego m臋偶a.


Za kilka dni czeka mnie odbi贸r nowych okular贸w, ciekawe czy spodobaj膮 si臋 mojemu m臋偶owi, mia艂am w planie zakup innych a ostatecznie wybra艂am ca艂kiem inny model, przyznam si臋, 偶e czekam ju偶 na nie z ut臋sknieniem, bo ostatnio coraz ci臋偶ej mi skupi膰 wzrok na lekturze. Tak wi臋c nowe okulary przyjm臋 z ulg膮 na twarzy do us艂yszenia niebawem, pozdrawiam wszystkich.


Wracam do uk艂adania puzzli 馃槉

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