Loh Community Contest 182 How I Handle Stress

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how do you deal with stress?

Having been a Nigerian . where the country's economy suffer a major downfall over some decades now, and everyone is struggling to just survive, because of lack of job in the country.people are trying to keep their job at hand, whether convinience or not to them.so stress is a big issue I am dealing with, and is not something that one can deal with it completely.but I do try to minimize stress, I do create some personal time for myself to have some rest immediately after work, I do not over work myself but I give my best at work.
The job am currently doing do really affecting my health, some times I do feel join pain and other stress, I try to see that I have some rest after work to make sure that the body system is not stressed out..

whether at some point has generated some health discomfort.

seriously I would say yes, health discomfort such as sleeping at work place ,lost of energy (enthusiasm )at work .so health discomfort is their.

so coming to stress problem within the family;I wouldn't say no.but when you have understanding family it is well manage,but I still will not continue to make stress an excuse all the time.

whether I will prefer doing my office work from home;

if not for any reason,I prefer doing office in the office Working at home will not be the solution for me because the body also need some exercise, I think what I need is to be having an annual leave, to close work as due, and also have some break. The money is not all that matters but my health I do my best to see that with the help of God I will maintain a good healthy life.
Thanks for your time and do have a wonderful day

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