How I Intend My 31st Midnight To Be

Hi everyone in the house.


What i plan to do on the 31st midnight?

Everyone has started thinking about new year resolution, yes that is the best thing to do once the year has come to an end, as for me this is what I want to do on the 31st midnight.

. * Having a heart to heart talk with my family.

  • Review my goal, I was not able to achieve and taking up something new or bring a new strategy in order to achieve it.
  • The health of my family and mine.
  • Getting rid of some stuff I don't need in the house.

Having a heart to heart talk with my family

Midnight is a good moment were family's settle any problem, or looking for way to in proof in a better way or to progress in the family, I will make sure I
spent quality time with my family

Review my goal I was not able to achieve and taking up something new or bring a new strategy

Checking what I have already achieve and what I have not achieve this year, from there i need to bring new strategy on how to do it differently next year..


Focusing on my family health and mine

Health is wealth, for me to enjoy my new year my family most be in a good condition and in order to enjoy and focus on the new year.

Getting red of some stuff I don't need in the house

Is good to change some old stuff at home especially my clothes, shoes e.t.c so has to get new ones, at least looking good is part of health too.


All I need to do, is to make use of my midnight well so has to have a successful New year because there is a saying that says he who fail to plan plant to fall
Thanks for your time

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