My mother daughter experience contest#179

My mother my best friend

*The role of a mother in a child’s life is a very important one, I dare say in most cases a mother’s nurturing and care greatly influences the emotional, psychological and social growth of a child.
My mother is my best friend. If I want to give an account of every mother and daughter moment we have shared I’m sure it will take me months to finish, let me share with you the most memorable one which happened in my adult life and it had a very positive effect on my life.

I gained admission to the university after my pre-degree program and after my first semester in school I was so sure the course is not for me, I could not understand what was being tought as it contains more of physic, mathematics and physical chemistry courses, and I was more of the biology and organic chemistry person so I knew no matter how much I tried I will be miserable in that department,so I went to the admin to ask for a change of course and they told me I had to finish the first year and the second year before I cross over to the second year in another department here by forfeiting a year, so I struggled to finish the first year and second year and by the end of my second year the result was really bad, I went back to the admin and I think that was one of the lowest points in my life because strikes and internal school issues had made us spend 3 years for just two levels and the extra one year I spent at predegree made it 4 years of being in a university setting.
However most of the people I went to secondary school with were in their final year in school so the fact that I was going to lose a year made me so sad and it was a 5 year’s course.

  • I really wanted to drop out and not tell anybody but I just had the urge to talk to my mum really bad and one of my major fears was “how will my family take this”but I summoned the courage to call her and I explained everything, I was crying my eyes out and her response to me that day was”my dear girl if you know the new department will be better for you just go there don’t listen to anybody who might laugh at you or pass rubbish remarks and cheer up remember I’m here for you and I I had enough money I would have said you should just transfer to a private university”.*
  • Those words lifted my spirit so much and I entered the new department with the determination to get my degree and after more strikes and internal turmoil I eventually got my degree in forestry and wild life management. *

I know for a fact that without my mother’s kind words that day I would have dropped out of school and will still be looking for directions.I’m greatful to God for giving me such an understanding, loving and hardworking mother I pray I get to where I want in life soon so I can take good care of her as she deserves.

Thanks for reading my post.

Note:the pictures are of my wonderful mum from my gallery.

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