Green Girl LOH contest #180

Greetings Esteemed Ladies of Hive
Hope you're all doing great.
This week has been a hectic one for me.
Here in Nigeria, it's the planting season and I've joined my parents to plant.
It's been a long one, planting, watering (since the rain isn't frequent yet), weeding so the weeds don't sap out nutrients from our budding plants.

So ladies, this week, when I saw the topics we're to write concerning our contest,i was elated because I have something I'd be writing about concerning the first topic .
The topic was :
🟦: I've recently renewed an old interest in hobby gardening in growing flowers, fruit and vegetables outside my home. I may not save much out of my food expenses , but this is for more personal satisfaction as well as relearning old skills . Do you have a garden ? Or you wish you had one ?
What would you like to grow in your own little paradise?

My first answer to the question is yes,i have a garden, since I was little,my mother had inculcated the planting culture in me, from peppers to tomatoes to scent leaves and curry leaves, my mother made sure o had a small part of soil where I planted these things, she made sure I watered them and weeded when necessary.
I grew up to love planting little things like that, doing big farm works used to exhaust me completely so my mother decided she'd make a small garden for me so I could plant as well.
I usually used a net to cover my garden round about so this chickens won't go inside and dig up my seeds or eat my plants.

This time around i planted scent leaves,water leaves, pumpkin vegetables and maize in my garden ,my scent leaves and maize are growing really fast and it excites me. I can't wait for my water leaves to follow suit .
Gardening is one of the ways I release stress by the way, i personally love putting my hands all in the sand and making green things come out of the ground, I'm always so satisfied when my garden plants yield.

The things I wish to grow in this sweet paradise of a garden are pepper, tomatoes, garlic, tumeric and of course some okra .

Thank you dear ladies for reading through
I hope your garden blooms and your harvest is plentiful.
Much love💕

PS: Those are pictures from my little garden.

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