An Introduction to the Ecency Platform"

Hello everyone,

Hi, guys, my self Daisy, and I am truly happy that we can recognize each other.

At present, I live in Karachi but I am from Lahore, the city that has many wonderful moments, associated with it.

This is another phase of my academic experience whereby I get to study at the recognized Karachi University and I am pursuing a Masters Degree in Educational field.

This is why branding this academic pursuit as my own is of high importance as it is a pursuit of a dream and a step in achieving ones own goal of becoming an effective teacher.

My two years at Karachi University as a Master’s student has been very effective in my educational quota of coming up with different education theories, ways of thinking and approaches in education without forgetting the teaching methods and leadership skills. In a way, I would like to find out how these elements can be included into the activity of schools and contribute to students’ reevaluation of the importance of studying.

In addition, I enjoy the processes of reading and writing As a result, I spent a considerable amount of time in studying to gain success.

Like most people, reading has always been important in my life since as early as the time I was a child and it has been so because it has helped me to gain new knowledge and get acquainted with the world and with people.

As for writing articles I would probably refer this to as my creativity or in other words, my way of making art, creatively, I mean. which in turn enables me to lay down actual to my vision and passion stories and to which I derive considerable pleasure having my vision come to writing on paper.

Sample Self-Analysis Scheduling my classes and my other activities has been one of the rewarding activities I have ever gone through. I have benefitted from what I found here, particularly having acquired part of time management, discipline, and culture, plus understanding passion as an important factor in one’s job.

These impressions in combination with my educational experiences and affection towards the literature are prosperous for the formulation of my affectionate teaching occupation.

More to it, as I proceed in this journey the feeling is overwhelming as I am enveloped in optimism. As I await these tomorrows, I feel very sure that they have something better in store for me in terms of shaping my educative and writing future. I am greatly positive that this journey will indeed be one of the most fulfilled happy days of my existence, education, and life.

This plateform form is new for me my friend's cousin told me about this plateform i joined to share my education skills and my article i hope we will enjoy together..

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