One thing I learned in 2023 that I'm definitely going to do in 2024! (#166)

It might seem too simple when I mention this.

You could be forgiven for thinking, "What difference would that make?"

And yet this exercise that I learned from one of my mentors is already changing the way I feel in my body and, more importantly, how I feel about myself.

If you've been following me for a while you'll know that I adore the work of Nervous System Expert Irene Lyon. In her program, the 21 Day Nervous System Tune Up she teaches several movement lessons. But they're not gym workouts nor are they yoga poses. They're something very different: they're what she calls "neurosensory exercises" and they're based on the brilliant work of the late Moshé Feldrenkrais.

While I had already worked my way through the entire 21 day program over about six months (Irene strongly encourages her students to go at their own pace) I thought I would go back and re-do some of these neurosensory exercise lessons.

I did one about a month ago designed to find a strong posture and within a couple of days I realised there was no point in going back to do another one; I was loving practising this lesson again ans again and again! I couldn't believe how often I caught myself shrinking, making myself small next to others.

It's been so powerful to see, through Irene's somatic-based work, how these patterns don't just live in our subconscious mind but also firmly reside in our bodies! In my body!

So, in 2024 I am continuing this practice of noticing my posture and standing up tall, straight, strong. I plan to continue to own my space, claim my space, claim my power.

Because, why not?!?!

Here's to being big, bold and beautiful in 2024. 😉😄😁

This post was prompted by the questions asked by Merit Ahama in the Ladies of Hive Community. A new question (or two!) is asked in this community full of womxn and if you miss this week's then just jump in and join us next week. If you identify as a woman that is!

What were the questions? Here they are:

What is the one lesson or knowledge you learned this year that benefitted you as a lady?


What would you do differently or start doing for yourself next year?


Or if you want to answer these questions but don't want to write your own post, then feel free to tell me in the comments either what you learned last year that helped you or what you're going to do this year to help yourself. 👇

{Photos are of me, next to a big, beautiful tree, reminding me to stand tall and unapologetically take up space. Photos taken by a not-woman, also known as my partner, Brad 😂 and used with his blessing.}

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