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Mary Jane (Alanis Morissette) Cover by Claire Mobey

Today is #internationalwomensday23

Yes, today is big because of #injustice

Today is big because of the horrendous reality that #GBV is INCREASING instead of decreasing

And today is big because no matter how much we shout, there never seems to be enough being done to protect us.


Today is also big BECAUSE we are #womensupportingwomen and #sisters and despite this toxic narrative that we've been fed about women being classically perceived as catty, or bitchy or backstabbing I'm telling you that that is not my reality. My reality is that we have each other's backs. Every day I see and feel women hold eachother up and celebrate each other's successes and hold eachother close when we fall.

To each and every special woman in my life. I love you.

Thank you.

I am here for you as you are for me and we are in this shitstorm together.



this video was recorded two years ago and I was shaking the whole way through. Imagine being scared of yourself. That's what abuse survival is like... But I started somewhere... Voice and hands shaking.... With my phone and some string, no microphone and a horrible laptop. You don't have to be perfect to start reaching for your dreams. Do it broken. Do it scared. Do it no matter who tells you you can't.