Humbled, Honored, Grateful at PASIDUNGOG 2022: A DAY TO REMEMBER!

"No matter how big or small, EVERY ONE deserves appreciation..."

A pleasant day to all the amazing people of the Hive, especially to all the wonderful ladies of this beautiful community🥰! I hope you are all well and optimistic in your every day endeavors.

Today, I will be sharing with you my experience attending an Awarding Ceremony for Educators. It was not my first-time because we annually conduct Awarding Ceremonies in the school especially during World Teacher's Day however it was the first experience to be included in the Search for Outstanding Teachers within the District wherein I was one of the lucky awardees😅.


Honestly at first, when the memorandum was released by our district for the Search of Outstanding Teachers, I did not intend to submit my portfolio for a lot of reasons.

Firstly, I don't feel that I am qualified enough😂because in my mind there are a lot of teachers within the district who are most qualified. I believe that every one in the teaching world deserves appreciation for the undeniable service rendered however, the appreciation I received in the school where I belong is more than enough🥰. Trying to receive it from the District level is too much😅.

Secondly, the checklist of the things to be included in the portfolio is tiresome. The main reason why a lot of most deserving teachers did not submit there portfolio maybe because of the modes of verifications, documentations and narratives needed for rating.

Lastly, I don't want to stress myself with deadline😅. I was already full-loaded of other school-related paperwork's to be accomplished that time. But our Master Teacher, @dehai, really pushed me to comply and mentored me (because she is also a recognized Outstanding Master Teacher in the Division Level). So, I had this prayer and I asked the Lord for a sign that if there is an extension of deadline for submission, I will try to submit my portfolio😂. Sadly, the deadline did took effect as scheduled (well, better luck next time😂).

The Turn of Events!

Guess what?...
A week after, I was messaged by our school principal. On her message, she told me if I had my portfolio ready because the schedule of Pasidungog 2022 was moved and an extension of deadline for submission of portfolio was allowed.

So that's how I ended up attending this Awarding Ceremony guys😅! The Generous Lord did gave me a sign!🥰


Screenshot_2023-06-04-17-42-17-43_be80aec1db9a2b53c9d399db0c602181.jpg Seeing my name on this piece of paper made me believe that when God awards you, He will give it Big Time!💕🙏


The event was held at the Municipality's Air-conditioned Sport's Complex. Since the Awarding Ceremony was rescheduled on February 2023, the design and decors were hearts and valentine's!💕🥰

received_1835295776867174~3.jpeg A big heart already in the entrance plus the red carpet made it looked more elegant😅🥰



The required attire for the ceremony was to wear something red either dress or an executive or something formal will do. However, I didn't have any red dress so I opted to wear a DIY formal/ executive-looking attire😅. I purchased the top and pants from "ukay-ukay" (I don't know what's the English term for Ukay2x, like that of a garage sale🤔, I guess? haha)! And it only cost me PhP 150.00 (3 USD). As for the black shoes, I borrowed it from my colleague who's always been supportive, @nichebezarius🥰.






I was honored for receiving not only one but two recognitions on that day. I didn't had regrets for trying and complying what I only could. I am grateful to the amazing people around me who never get tired of motivating and pushing me. And I am humbled that despite this recognition, I will continue to do my best in the name of sincere service in delivering quality education to young learners.

And I am not only the one to celebrate and be grateful for because I have colleagues who were also awardees of that day.


PASIDUNGOG 2022 (Recognition 2022) was truly a day to remember!💕


That's all for today Hiveians🥰! I hope you enjoy reading this. Know that I am truly grateful 🙏for your time and support. See you then on my next blog💕.

Sending my warm big hugs and best regards🤗💕! Bye for now, and God bless!🙏

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