Thrown In a Pit #196

My child hood was filled with Barbies and Disney movies, so like any Disney little girl I wanted a toy, something to always be with me and play with. My dad approved of my dream when I did well in the school exams, and boom that’s how I got myself a beautiful teddy that always stayed with me.

In as much as this story is about my favorite toy as a kid it’s also about my last toy ever, because after I experienced something horrific I never asked for a toy again.

I moved in with my mum due to some adulting stuff between her and my dad and started life with her. One day she didn’t come home early and my siblings and I decided to watch a new movie from our neighbors house as we’ve watched all the CDS in ours. After the movie, which was a horror movie, I had a terrible nightmare.

In the nightmare my teddy bear came to life and slowly picked off each of my family members until I was the only one left, I cried and begged him to leave my family alone, he said my family was the only thing standing between us been together. I know the movie heavily influenced the nightmare but how’d you expect me to feel I was a child then. The nightmare had a realistic feel and I was taken to his hideout filled with other teddy’s that were alive. I've forgotten how the nightmare ended but I decided to distance myself from it until I was sure it was safe, so I hid it under my bed. I kid you not when I came in the house again after my mum had sent me on an errand I saw this teddy sitting majestically on our only settee in our living room. I took this teddy bear and immediately tossed it into a pit close to our neighbors house.
Till date I don’t like teddy bears I’d prefer playing with legos or board games, Infact anything else as far as it’s not a teddy.

All photos are mine

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Lots of Love from me to you.

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