My First F #200

Growing up I was taught that I just had to read and be excellent in my academics, be a miss know it all and I'll be alright, I faced a lot of challenges in school that I never told my parents about but I almost always passed with flying colors.

I remember my first academic failure, my first F. I changed schools due to some certain circumstances and this school was amazing, we read a lot and had lay time but it was all new to me. I always wanted to strictly be in the arts but this school made sure we learnt both things to be sure of our career path. I got my first F in this school and by learning my last. I and my classmates offered all the subjects in our Ss1 so it was an all round assignment. We had this wonderful history teacher I don't think anyone can fail her subject but alas I did, at the time I summed it up that she hated me that's why I failed, I just couldn't deal with the fact that I was to blame for my failure, I didn't submit the assignments, neither did I draw the diagrams. It took me a while to realize it was a me problem, I was overconfident, a person that says a lot to prove their smartness and doesn't back it up with action. I learnt from that experience, to calmly learn and do what's expected. I think that experience formed the mindset I have of life today, which is, if you work hard there is surely a reward, so keep at it.

All photos are mine

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