Honoring My Girls on my Birthday

Hello, ladies!

How is your week going? Are you having a great time? Hope you do!

What are your thoughts about tattoos?

I've to say that I never thought I could get one. My mom never liked them, and she never wanted my sisters and I to get them. However, we did it anyway. My eldest have tattoos on her arms, and my little sister have one on her clavicle. Both of them have their meaning for their tattoo, and so I am.

Just a week ago was my birthday, and my boyfriend gifted me with a tattoo. He paid a tattoo artist, so I could get the tattoo I always wanted.

My two daughters are living with her dad in Brazil, and I really miss them. It's been a year since they left, and It's been hard not having them with me. But I know they are better there because here in Venezuela things are chaotic.

I chose this tattoo, which represents my daughters and I together. I have my hopes high, knowing that someday soon we will be together again. Under the drawing, I made the tattooist to put their names; Eliana and Emily.

Also, my sister made a gift for me. She made this cute card which have a picture of me and one of my kids. I didn't expect it, and I was really surprised to see how beautiful and thoughtful she was by making this.

She also baked a cake for me, and although she is not an expert in cake decoration, she really put a lot of effort in making a good cake. I have to say, it was delicious.

I really want to thank to all the people who make my birthday a very special one this year.

This is my first post in here. I hope I can connect with all of you.

Thanks for reading this post. See you later.

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