Cycle Syncing experience: To be the most productive self

First of all

Hey everyone, I believe that it has been so long since you last saw me writing a blog post here. It's just that these past weeks have been overwhelming for me. I just started new semester in my university and there are just a lot of things that I have to plan and do in order to have a chill semester ahead of me. And also, I would like to thank @shawnnft for the countless reminders for me to continue writing.

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Like you have read on my title, it will be on cycle syncing. After taking breaks for awhile now, I have observed myself more detail on how I work and when am I productive the most.

You may have seen advices or content regarding this before on TikToks or any social media out there. Basically, what I am trying to say is that your hormones affect your productivity. Seems unfair to us women, right?


As we all know, women go through menstrual cycle and there are phases of it. For each phase, the hormone secreted out affect how we work. For more details on what hormone and how it affects us, you may search for it on the net as what I am going to do today is just sharing my experience on it.

To begin, first I would like to say that it is nothing shameful about how we work. Our bodies know what we want and need. We may work differently than male but that is okay because each gender is unique in its own way. "In order to start something, we have to lose something". You can never work in the same tempo all the time.

When I am in my menstruation phase, I feel so tired and fatigue easily. This is the time where I isolate myself and allow myself to have down time. I stopped doing my works as the quality is not good anyway when my body and mentally don't feel good. It is believed that this happen because of all hormones in our body is low. This is the time where we should "hibernate". Sleep and rest as much as you need. Cut some slack if you are working by going slower than usual and be nice to yourself as it is easy for us to blame ourselves for not being able to accomplish what we have to do.

After the bleeding stops which is 5 or 7 days after, it is the follicular phase. I start to feel awesome again. I feel like a Wonderwoman. I feel very creative and energetic. It is the best time for me to execute my tasks and write on PeakD. I have a lot of ideas during this time. I also sleep less, maybe because the desire to succeed is heightened at this time and I cannot stop thinking on achieving something.

Next, it is the ovulation phase. In this phase, I tend to be social butterfly and kind of flirty. I am quite confident and unconsciously actively looking for potential partners. I might flirt around a little bit with my date ;). I realized that my face glows during this phase too. I also put in efforts to dress myself up.

Lastly, it is the luteal phase where our uterus are preparing to shed. I tend to be emotional and sensitive at this phase. My appetite is like a monster, I could not stop eating but this is nothing to be embarrassed of. It is what my body want and I will give what it wants. I only do simple tasks in this phase because I prioritize my well being.

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Final Thoughts

So, these are my experiences on cycle syncing. Therefore, I hope that us, women, able to embrace ourselves and accept this part of ourselves. It is okay if we choose to not cycle syncing too, it is our choice to make.

That's it from me. I hope you enjoy my post. Don't forget to support me by reading my other posts too!

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