Ladies of hive community has been a great blessing to me. ( LOH#151).

I have the honour to welcome every lady in ladies of hive community. Thank God that we are alive to see a day like this. I am also happy to participate in this week prompt. Special appreciation goes to @thekittygirl for this topic and also for being the honourable judge.


I want to say that since from last year March that I joined the hive Blockchain it has been from one blessing to another. Then the blessing increased when I joined the ladies of hive community. One of the major reasons why I love the ladies of hive community is because in the country where I come from, women don't have a say. They only live and survive at the mercy of either their fathers or husband's as the case maybe. So, when I got to know about the ladies of hive community where women are given the opportunity to speak out, share their opinion, express themselves and empower themselves. It gave me joy because I have always wanted my voice to be heard. I want to always have an opportunity to talk. So, being here has been a very big blessing for me.
Another reason why I consider this community a blessing is because it has connected me with so many lovely ladies who have impacted me positively. @thekittygirl, @hivedeb, @nkemakonam, @ifarmgirl, @silversaver88, to mention but a few are the great ladies that has helped me so much in this community.

Another way I have been blessed here is the great articles that I have read from other ladies that have also helped me in ways like: building my vocabulary, learning new words, additional knowledge and lots more.

Lastly, I have also made lots of money from the post that I make from this community. Making post here weekly helped me grow my reputation and Financial status too.

In summary, it is rightly said that birds of a feather flocks together. This is true because I feel more comfortable amongst women like myself. I always see here as home for me.

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