Mourning Day In Albania- Dedicated to Turkey/ Syria(Earthquake)

Hello Everyone 🤍

I wanted to speak a little bit about this Day and speak a little bit about all my thoughts and feelings all these days.
Maybe you have watched the news and you know about the Earthquake, the people who lost their lives, people who lost their families their children , a lot of children lost their parents.

Even though I’m Catholic today i Pray for all those people who died and suffered damages. Here in Albania is declared a Mourning Day for all those lives that ended by the Earthquake.

Today everyone in Albania lighted a candle for this reason.

Turkey is a country similar to Albania, they both suffer a lot from the bad economy, from the bad quality of building their buildings.

I don’t have words to express all my feelings from everything what i have seen on Tv all these days.
I have been crying and crying for days and smiling every time when they took out all the people alive from all those ruins .

My heart is broken for all those babies and children that are saved but their parents are died.
How will they live? Who will take care of them ?
This is so sad!!!

A lot of them are in good condition but they feel bad about all what they lost there .
They have been working hard for their houses and earthquake destroyed everything what they had.
I feel so bad for everything and I hope everyone will help them as much as they can to move on.

All these photos are taken in google , I wanted to share with you guys to let you know about everything what happened even why I know that the Media has spoken all these days about this.

A lot of animal photos are also in google but I don’t wanted to post them because some of them are damaged and I don’t want to make someone feel bad about that.
This one was the first cat that they saved and that’s why I choose this.

I know this feeling of Earthquake because a lot of Albanian people died 4 years before, and Turkey was here for us .
I hope everything will be all right and this will never happen again .

Prayers 🙏🏻 .

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