Never 'settle' if you don't feel comfortable!

Settling down- we take it as a positive thing. But we have to agree that it can be negative in many ways. Especially when you are trying to settle down in a bad relationship. Not only that, if you choose to continuously settle down in your life rather doing what you really believe or desire then it will be your loss.



It's not very tough to figure out if you are sitting down or not. Just give a little focus on your life choices and your feeling about it. Now you may ask, why I'm talking against settling down. Well, our comfort should be our major focus not just running something for the seal of anyone or anything.

Let me give you an example!

If you are in a relationship and ignoring your comfort for the seal of the relationship then you are definitely setting dow. There's no way to believe this relationship will ever make you happy. Because once you settle down, you will have to continue this behavior in many other parts of your life. And you will probably end up doing the same in your other parts of life like in your career.

It's necessary to feel happier and more confident in yourself rather 'make it work'. No matter what it is, your relationship, or your job life or even your family bonding. If you don't feel it's happening right, try to make it right, give it time to make it work. But don' think about setting down for your own good.

Respect yourself and your comfort. If you feel like it's not working then think but don't think to settle down!

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