Getting out from the endless lope of negativity!

Negativity works like a chain. When you feel bad about yourself, when your self-esteem is low you start to think all the negative things about others as well. Yeah, it sounds crazy but this is how it works. And breaking this chain is harder than you think. Because if you stop in one place, in another place you will feel negative again.

So, how to end this chain?



It may sound silly but love can end this. It can be in a form of self-love or overall expanding love aka positivity in life.

When you increase self-love, you choose to let go of the negative thoughts about yourself. If you start to take self-care that means you are more passionate to improve your life and develop yourself as a better person. This process automatically removes all the negative thoughts, worries about your self-image. Because you are making effort to change yourself for the better so you start to feel good about yourself.

Now when you have a better positive self-image you will automatically focus only on the positive things around you. It will reduce your worries, negative thoughts about your surroundings, your future, and overall everything. And as a result, you will find yourself a more helpful, positive, compassionate, and enthusiast. This process leads us to input more positivity for society and that means a better result in every aspect.

You see, how we can stop the chain and start a new positive lope. This is how it works. I know it sounds simple but in reality, you will find it harder. Never lose hope, start with your own self and you definitely can change the world or at least can see the world differently.

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