Conflict resolution skill in relationships!

Imagine, how our relationship will work if we don't know how to handle conflicts. Fortunately more or less, one party or both of the parties in a relationship knows how to resolve conflicts. There's no loss in sharing this skill rather we should know how to make ourselves better on this.



Let's see what can help us!

  • Communication and connection.

This is the main foundation of any relationship. If you have a good connection with your partner or whatever relation we are talking about, we can always resolve conflicts. And this connection can only be made by better communication. So while you see any potential argument, communicate, and make connections.

  • Listen.

Listing skill is always helpful to make a relationship work. And when it comes to conflict it's way more necessary. Because if you don't listen you will never know what others have to say and what's their point. So better listen and then think about what you need to do.

  • Compassionate.

Don't be rude, don't show anger while resolving conflicts. Remember, these negative emotions and reactions will make a very long term impact. So, hold on to your response and try to share your feelings. Open up the room so others can also share their feeling. It will help to reduce the negative energy and will make both sides compassionate.

The relationship needs lots of work. And if we don't manage to avoid conflicts it will never run longer and smoother. That's why we should focus on our emotions, connections, and feeling. So that we can make better choices and change ourselves as per. It's better to make an environment so conflict arises less than dealing with it, right?

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