Vibes Sunday Rambles πŸ™πŸ½πŸ—£

Vibes Sunday Rambles...

It's Sunday here in England folks! That can only mean one thing it's the time of the week that my verbal diarrhoea gets uploaded onto the blockchain. A busy and strange one this week up and down like a yoyo, plus a good ole fashioned cold to end it with grrr πŸ₯Ά.

A week of discombobulation...

Well, what a week folks! My brain has been running at full kilter and has had a massive influx of ideas; some blooming marvellous and some plan right bonkers. The full moon is coming and has set me right off my vibration, which happens just before a powerful one.

When I can't sleep and feel wired; I'll look up the next full moon and it'll be a week or so away. Clearly, there is something in this that can't be ignored. When you think about it logically the moon affects the seas which are water and we are 80% water; logical right? There is a lot in all that we have forgotten or put down as wishy-washy shit but actually take some time to research and it makes perfect sense. This is the Wolf moon coming I've not looked into it or consulted my normal sources but can feel strong energy coming.

Anyways the week started with a random unknown delivery. It was very odd indeed. The packet arrived and it had obviously been around the houses (literally). It appeared half the label was missing so only one digit of my house number was showing. It also had a number of annotations over it, clearly done by postman pat himself! I opened this unknown parcel and other was nothing inside to indicate where it had come from only the contents:


Four Vegan panettones lay awaiting inside, clearly send for Christmas; never making it in time. The odd thing is I don't know if I entered a competition or someone sent them. It appears no one I know sent then so I must have won something but then I have heard nothing to this effect either. They tasted marvellous so I recommend 'Mindful Bites' Vegan panettone and thank the universe for this nice unexpected treat to state the week with.

The second adventure (hardly) was the sudden idea to spend two hours trying to dismantle the inside of an antique sideboard in order to rebuild it so I can fit my records in better. Not planned and rather more difficult than one might expect. Now it's still in pieces at the time of writing but I will borrow a drill and fix it up tomorrow. It's crazy how they made it so strong with glue and a couple of nails. All the nails I used bent and I can't think of a glue that would support a shelf of records. Interestingly I found some old goodies hidden in the cracks:


The Classic Polo made me smile 🍬


An old quality street used to like them before I went Vegan. Didn't try it though πŸ˜‹


The Classic Tunes. Got a bit of a sore throat but this one did seem a little past its best. I stuck to the Tumeric πŸ‘ŒπŸ½


And a Platignum Pen thought I was onto a rare one but no seems not. Looks old though next time hey 🀞🏽

Other than this there's not much to report other than the desire to stay up late and an influx of ideas I am having. Obviously, we are in a mad time so my brain is working overtime to find solutions. This manifests in staying up late with all these ideas floating around in my mind, not knowing which one to start with. Only to be struck down with the reality that in the current economic climate I can't actually afford to do anything. Obviously, I am working on this and trying to find options for an alternative income. Many will know the current restrictions in England ramp up on the first of April (they couldn't have timed that one better). On this date, I am likely to be fired for not having a medical procedure, after working my balls off throughout this BS. Anyway, this is part of the fight and I will not give in to this tyranny.

A wealth of ideas is not a bad thing you might think but when they come in waves like fire at zero gravity, wave after wave after wave (did you get that one?)! Constantly having new ideas and flitting between them whilst trying to initiate something is very unproductive. I like to have one task to complete then move on. Not necessarily finishing the overall idea but a stage where I can leave it. For example, measuring the cupboard to get the supplies needed to complete the task is one. In this moon induced discombobulation, this all goes out of the window. But it will pass and I can get back to logical thinking and organisation. The objective is to record as many of the ideas as possible and reassess them when my brain settles.

​The Cold πŸ‘ƒπŸΌ and it's meaning...

Another cold and sore throat is annoying. Although looking at it logically again; a sore throat represents the feeling of not being able to say something. In today's world where I have to lie at work and suppress my desire not to have the snake bite fits perfectly. Things are very unsettled as we live in a world where were are forced to conform to something we don't believe. The way people talk of the "Un-vaccinated" is like they did the Jews in the second world war. Not on par? Well, I have to disagree, we are very on par with this horrific scenario. They are burning the books 'censoring media', restricting access to places, restricting essential goods and the ability to earn a living, but yes I am preaching to the converted mostly on here. I have to test every day and do a more invasive test once a week for an apparently deadly disease that could wipe out half the population πŸ€” if we don't completely comply with illogical rules that make the rules makers a fortune Ummm πŸ–•πŸ½. Now I have ways to avoid too much damage from these repeated tests to protect myself. This pretending I have had the snake bite (as apparently by law you have to to work in my job), the constant derogatory words towards those who don't comply at the drop of a hat and dodging tests and situations unsettle the body and mind hence the constant colds as I can't speak up or my income is gone! All they have to do is research 'DREADDs' and they can see when this is going but no that's conspiracy until is actually happening!

This is likely to come to a head in April ( I have time) as mentioned meaning my little loophole will disappear and my career will be over. Left with a mortgage to pay and shot of other bills it's going to be difficult. So this influx of ideas is kind of welcome. Hopefully, I can sift through them and find alternative income methods

Working free of dictatorship...

As previously mentioned I have set up the 'Barefoot OT' which currently only provides Reiki vibrations for all. If you want a distance healing I would love to provide one (see the links below). I have plans to build this business to provide nature-based therapies for all. It's difficult to get these things off the ground though and I welcome suggestions. Plus with a healthy dose of imposter syndrome as a hindrance, it's not progressing as I'd like.

I will be starting to post on here with Reiki guidance and offering training for those who would like it. I have my Instagram but social media greatest me (mainstream anyways, present company accepted) but this is not my thing and to be honest. I find it difficult but I'll persist with that one. So a lot of these ideas are a way to create an income independently of the mainstream using my learning skills of Reiki and Occupational Therapy both of which I thoroughly enjoy doing. I want to help people and have many skills and ideas to assist people in dealing with stress, motivation and the restrictions of modern society.

As we all know we need to go back to a life more in tune with nature. Nature heals us so much better than big pharma and does it out of kindness not to fill their pockets. Trees give off so many beneficial chemicals in fact a lot of big pharma medicines come from these creatures. Cut out the middle man and get the pure version I say. Go barefoot touch the trees embrace them, talk to them and feel the benefits. My stress release is wild camping a night in the woods on my tod and I feel energised and raring to go.

So that's a wrap for today!

Connect with you next time... πŸ¦ΆπŸ½πŸ’―πŸ’.

Om namah shivaya... πŸ™πŸ½πŸŒπŸ“Ώ

For a Reiki vibrations contact @thebarefootot


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