What Do We Really Need? - EcoTrain Question Of The Week!

What do we really need? This is something, that we all have our own opinions about. Whole industries have been created, in order to fill certain needs. Needs that have been pushed upon us, so that others can succeed. It's a perfect cycle for those who like to take power.

When you live in a world where very little is as it seems, what are you to think, what are you to believe.


From a young age, our attention is drawn more and more away from ourselves, from what lies within. We are told that we need to look to others to show us the way, to be inspired and yes at times this can be true. Because we are all so wonderfully diverse, some folk at better at certain things that others. So it makes sense to look to them for advice or guidance.

But our attention, has been directed outwards far too much, so that eventually we lose the ability to connect with our own wisdom, the wisdom that lies within.

The wisdom that can guide us, to where we need to go, towards what we need to achieve. Otherwise we just following the words of others, the path that has already been laid. We are here, to create ourselves and in doing that, we create a new way.

But if we follow the words of another, we may very well benefit from their guidance, but to truly thrive, we need to connect with our inner power and light our own way!

I believe that this is when true spiritual growth occurs, when we dance to the beat of our own drum, when we move to our own rhythm, which is so wonderfully unique to each one of us.

To fully embrace who we are and reach our true potential.


We can have people who reach out to us, who even speak the same language and walk side by side with us. But there are times when you really need to walk alone, so that you are fully present and aware, when you confront who you are and allow yourself to transform!

It is by our own hands, by our own thoughts that we create who we are!

Those thoughts, are they your own, or placed there by another? Ideas of who you should be, how you should behave? We are becoming, always becoming who we are meant to be, we just need to find the courage to transform and that is only something that we can only do alone.

This week the EcoTrain community. have asked .....


These are my thoughts, the opinions that I have because of the life that I have lived and the lessons that I have learnt. I cannot really answer for anyone but myself and I can say, without a doubt that I do not need a guru or teacher in order to grow spiritually. Perhaps the greatest thing I have, is the faith I have in myself!

I do not look to anyone to lead me or guide me. No one knows me better, than I know myself, so only I know what I need in order to grow and for me, that is to live in harmony with nature.

I can know, no happiness or peace of mind, any other way. My connection runs deep and my body and mind are nurtured and healed by all that nature has provided me with. It is what makes me whole!

I could spend hours talking about, false idols and prophets. How they have manipulated and controlled people for far too long. All the while diverting your attention away from where it really needs to go. So many of these people, are led by their ego and their strong desire to be seen and heard, far more than any desire to be empathic.

Life is all about balance and nature has a wonderful way, of bringing things into balance. So long as you are willing to surrender, to acknowledge that we are nature, then we begin that journey.

To finally let go of who you thought you should be and reconnect with who you are!

To find your way back within!




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