Spring Equinox - Lessons In Balance And Letting Go!

I love to celebrate the changing of the seasons and one way in which I do that, is to celebrate the Celtic Festivals. The festivals that are connected to the land I was born and raised on. They are a part of my roots and celebrating them, just feels right.


Today is the Spring Equinox and my plan in celebrating it, was to attend an empow circle (i.e. empowering circle) which has been created by our collective. It really is a chance for all of us to come together and empower one another.

If we are to change the world in which we live in, we first need to empower ourselves, so that we can then go on to help empower others. The circle lasted for three hours. With a creative writing circle first, followed by Biodanza and then a vision circle.

I had arranged for my girls to be looked after, so that I could attend uninterrupted.

The equinox is all about balance, about embracing the light and the dark, embracing our inner realms and our outer realms. Balancing our conscious and unconscious self, really connecting with who we are. This then helps us to create new opportunities, to plant new seeds, that we, along with the earth help to nurture and grow.

I was thinking of this, as I traveled to the venue with a friend.
How awareness is the first step and how open communication with ourselves and one another is so important.

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Just as I was about to enter the space, I got a message from the owner of the land that I have moved onto. Some guys had coming looking for the puppy that we rescued recently and they were, demanding that we give it back.

I explained that I was out and would not return until later in the day. So a time was set for when I would return the puppy to them. My heart was broken, how could I possibly return the puppy to those horrible conditions, when it had been experiencing such a different way of life, full of love and affection.

All of this, before I even stepped into the space!

My heart was just not into it and try as I may, this dark cloud just hung above me. It was just too difficult to be present.
So I left and went to my friends house, where my daughters and the puppy were.

I was in tears as I explained what had happened. There were two beautiful Spanish people there, that I had not met and as I explained what had happened, my friend asked them for their opinion on how I should handle the situation. To try and gain a different perspective.

One of them, a Spanish gentleman, tried to explain why animals are treated so badly here and that most people are not even aware that they are treating them bad. In their eyes,, the animals are there to serve, for on purpose only and that they don't always have an emotional bond with them.


This is something, that I have observed quite a lot of, since I have been here, how people believe that they are doing their best by the animals, whilst to me it almost the complete opposite. Two polar opposites, if you will.

Experiencing two polar opposites, head on, on this the day of Balance! Two very different cultures, very different understandings of what it means to care for animals.

The whole day, I was dreading the arrival of six o clock. But then my friend and the Spanish gentleman, told me they wanted to come with me, to make sure that I could communicate all that I needed to. I felt so grateful for both of them in that moment. Especially P, who comes from Spain and has a greater understanding of the culture here.

To have someone who could at least help me express myself and hopefully plant a small seed of awareness around animal welfare.

So six p.m arrived and I went to the property with this little being that has been a huge part of me and my girls lives, over the last few weeks. He fell asleep in my arms on the walk over and I listened as the men spoke. Feeling such a huge amount of sadness wash over me. And I cried, I just let it all come out.


In the end I had to hand him over, animals are never ours to begin with anyways. But my heart kept and keeps, breaking as I think of how he now has to live.

But I also listened to what they said and how they explained that they have to keep their dogs inside, because a lot of people put poison out. So in their eyes, they are protecting their animals.i<>

There standard of what is acceptable habitats for animals, is hugely different to mine and I had to accept that. I was able with the help if my two friends to explain how my relationship with animals is different to theirs. How I see them as part of my family and as such, they deserve they same love and respect.

I could see that they were thrown by this and the energy definitely softened the more we engaged. It was agreed that I could come with my girls and visit the puppy, bring him food and water and even walk him. So I went and collected his bed, the bed me and my girls made for him and brought it to the property, so at least he can have some comfort. It is, at least a small victory and hopefully, I have even helped to plant a seed.

We can keep rescuing animals, but nothing will change if we can not introduce a different way, if we can not connect with each other.





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