I'm Finally Here! - The Beginning Of A New Chapter

I have finally made it to the land. Not quiet to the spot where I will park up long term, but I am parked up on the new land. After 5 weeks of living next to a track, the master cylinder arrived (only after being ordered for the second time, mind), it was fitted and it moved.


My new home. I can not wait to get the truck parked up here! Where I will have this beautiful Donkey friend, as my neighbour.

Anytime I talked about where the truck needed to go, people seemed to be very skeptical about whether or not it would make it there. All thanks to a very tight bend, that has prevented other trucks from entering and exiting this valley.

But it made it and in a couple of days it will be parked up in that spot above. For now, we are parked just inside the gate. As the land was watered recently and I need to wait for the earth to dry, so that I can drive down to the terrace that will be my home for the next wee while at least.


My daughter took this shot. Notice the lovely green covered earth, it's so much better than the dust bowl I have just come from, something my feet are very happy about!

Today, I spend most of the day, settling in and making the space my own. The first thing to do, was to build an outdoor washing area. I have a sink in my truck, but it is no longer connected to the tank, so I need to have an outdoor sink. Plus, I really like living most of my life outdoors, being exposed to all the elements.


Using pallets that I took with me from my last home, I went about building a frame for the sink, plus some counter tops.I recycled these heavy duty plastic barrels. They work great for storage also, but here they are used to hold up the sink. I have them filled with wood and rocks to weigh them down, as it gets quite windy here. The countertops are attached to the pallets (which also do a wonderful job holding them up), with the sink attached to the back pallet. I have my own tap, which is tied to the pole. Nothing fancy, but very practical and all from materials I already had.


This is where my outdoor bath will be set up. I have begun to gather some rocks, which I will make a small curved wall with, for the bath to sit on. I will be using a paella cooker and gas bottle to heat the water. It will sit under the bath, turning it into a huge cooking pot lol. They are very strict on open fires here and as the land is so dry, you really do need to be extra cautious. I will make a u shaped shelter around the bath with pallets. I can not wait to get this done and have my first bath under the starts!


This is the view from the bath. Not bad aah? I am feeling pretty pleased with myself, that I will get to soak myself, whilst enjoying this view and even better at night, when i can look up and watch the night sky.There are so many amazing views from this piece of land. It was so peaceful, just sitting here as the last of the sun, streamed down on me!


This will be the view from the back of my truck, when I finally get to let my tail down and open up the back of my home. I also want to move the caravan so that it sits more sideways, with the door facing the back of the truck. My table and chairs, will be in the center, with the sink and bath to one side as you can see above! Surrounded by mountains on all sides.


This is the view looking back up the other way. With more mountains, more trees and that beautiful donkey. I can definitely say, that it was worth the wait. It really is so peaceful up here and there are so many wild places to explore, with the back of the land completely wild and overgrown. I envisage myself and my girls, spending a lot of time back there in the hot summer months, where the trees are more condensed, offering us such wonderful shade.

Tomorrow, I will continue on, with the build for the outdoor bath. It feels really good to be active once again and I do love getting to build things, it gives me a wonderful sense of achievement. After that, I will be getting the garden started, as I already have some plants to go in the ground, some of which you can see in the photo below.






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