Beltain - A Time To Celebrate Our Fertile And Creative Self

This is perhaps one of my favourite times of the year, here in the Northern Hemisphere. The earth is cloaked in green, as life bursts forth. The sky is full of birdsong and the flowers are in full bloom. Now is the time to celebrate the potency of the earth, bursting with fertility and growth.


Today on the 1st of May, we celebrate Beltain, the festival of fertility and union. The Green Goddess and Green Man, representing the green of the earth and also the union of the feminine and the masculine.

Now, is the time to manifest on so many different levels. To manifest, Love, sexuality and fruitfulness, to really focus on where you wish to put your energy.

This is when the wild energies are at play, when the full potency of nature can be felt and witnessed. Now is the time to explore our wildness, to connect with the instinctive wildness within and allow it to help guide us and keep us grounded.


We often think of wild or more precisely, we have been led to believe, that connecting with our wild side, leads us to being reckless. But actually, our wild side, helps us to regain balance, to reconnect with all parts of ourselves. Connecting with our fertile self, with our creative power.

Now is the time to look at what actions you wish to undertake, so that you can bring more harmony into the world, to create more unity and love within the world. Take advantage of this highly potent time and as you work towards helping others, we end up ultimately helping ourselves. By creating abundance for everyone.


A few weeks back, I wrote about a exciting new project, that was happening in my community. A wonderful new space that was being created, in which we could gather and celebrate life. Yesterday was the official opening and it was such a wonderful example of the power of community, the unity of energies and what can be created when we put our minds to it.


As we danced together, you could really feel the potent energy that was created, as we came together to celebrate what community is all about. There was live music and DJ's as well as circus performs. There was also a very active children's zone. A vegan Lunch was provided for free, with much of the produce being local and made with a lot of love, this was amazing high energy food, full of vitality.

After what has happened over these last two years, this project is a beacon of hope, a beacon of light! A reminder of how powerful we really are. A reminder that so many of us need! Life really is to be celebrated.


As the seasons change and now we begin to welcome Summer into our lives, we are given this wonderful opportunity, to become more insync with our natural environment.

Nature is always speaking to us, sending us message. We just need to slow down and take the time to observe them and embrace them. To allow nature to be our guide, reminding us when we need to be conserving our energy and when we need to be more proactive. Just look to the trees, to the plants and you will find your way, towards a more natural way of living.

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