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The beauty is in the unknown - ecoTrain QOTW #9.4

I had this thought recently that technology has moved forward so fast and has created, almost literally, new worlds, while humans seem to have evolved so little. Maybe this equation has to be this way in order to work, low society reflexes and on the other hand skyrocketing technological goals.

The feeling of being under such a magnificent sky cannot be simulated.

This week the ecoTrain community asks this very interesting question: Can Spirituality and Technology Live Together?

I am grateful for the technological development for making our life easier, giving us more free time and helping us expand in ways we couldn't even imagine in the past.
Life is easier with a computer, but do we need all this information bombing us?
Life is so interesting when traveling, but is it when we become tourists instead of travelers?
Our minds expand by exchanging ideas through platforms like HIVE, but do we really expand when we sit in front of a screen 16 hours per day scrolling?

Everything can be a blessing or a curse, it all depends on how we use it. Oh yes, this personal responsibility again... hunting us :)

The bigness of the sea.

Spirituality to me is searching for the true balance, aligning with your real self. You can reach balance for a moment, but it is an ever changing situation. I guess that none of us here is close to enlightenment, so we are all in our way of exploring, some lucky might even find the balance for a while before they lose it again...

We are in this world, this time and we are living our life the best way we can.

To me, almost in every subject, the key word is balance. Do we need all these stuff? Surely not. Is it the greed of some few combined with a society of uneducated people? I think so. Not that we don't have responsibility, we always do :) But I think that never before so many people had degrees, masters and PhD's and were so uneducated in terms of real life and so detached from nature. Can we survive without Google? How will I remove this stain from my T-shirt? Search... How will he fall in love with me? Search... Some questions might be helpful, some others just show us how disconnected we might already be from our nature and our feelings.

The wisdom of the plants.

People need people. And there are so many studies that show that social media, the way they are now, provoke depression and feelings of unworthiness. Imagine when they will be updated as described in the question by @ecotrain, and then you return to the four walls of a not so cozy room in your not so perfect body... I can't imagine people continually plugged to a world other than natural. I find it too sad to think about it.

And once again the answer is that we live in a system that is eating its own flesh. Human, animal and environment not friendly.
Can we co-exist? Maybe...
But it would be great if we could stop focusing so much on useless technological projects and focus more in our everyday life. Insignificant might someone say. Maybe, but still miraculous.

In this case, I believe the balance would work and we could even grow in a nice way. Growth is not a fast process, growth is a life time process.

The creativity of nature.

I don't believe, mainly because I don't want to believe it, that people can live without their contact with nature, animals and other beings.
In 2020 we had extremely strict lockdown in Greece and when "life came back to normal", as politicians like to say, the shops were super full with people. I am not saying if this was right or wrong, I just want to write about the response of an old lady when a reporter asked her what she was doing there at her age and she said that she had missed people and she was so excited that in this crowd she was touched by other people. Can you imagine? Even if this touch had no purpose to be a touch of communication or sharing, it made her feel alive and it came to my mind now after almost two years while writing this...

I have followed another path in life. I live quite isolated, more with the trees than with the people. But I do understand her need. It is a need of being in contact with our nature. Isn't this a reason why I spend my afternoon here writing this post? My need to express myself and share a feeling with invisible but true people?

Photo by @fotostef. Checking my emails with my (ancient but functional) mobile phone. When you are outside all day, where are you going to do your office work ;)

Often things we do have the opposite result. I hope that this crazy technological "meta-progress" and addiction will finally have the opposite result. We are animals and the instincts, even bended, are strong. Nature, contact, the beauty of the unpredictable will always be charming. What is life if an algorithm knows what you need and want or detest and creates a world for you? The beauty is in the unknown.

Photo by @fotostef. I was relaxing amongst the anemones thinking of my post for The Herbal Hive challenge. It was a happy moment and using a digital camera didn't steal my joy :)

If you would like to know more about me this is my introduction post!