The garbage should be eradicated

Open our eyes and hearts to see what is around us which is currently very inappropriate but we see without any sense, there are no preventive steps that we take either from words or actions. Let's talk about our environment which is growing day by day with plastic waste.

At this time, what is a big question mark about the garbage that is scattered around us?? Is this all the government's fault for not taking action or lack of socialization about the dangers of scattered waste? Is it possible that people do not understand about the dangers of littering. So, let's imagine about the beautiful garbage in our environment.

The government has often held outreach at several crossroads and trash bins have been made in almost all corners of the city. So the role of the government itself is very serious in handling the cleanliness of our environment. In this case, we can't all make decisions for disasters that occur due to waste. We blame the government 100%, let's divide the percentage, who should we blame.

What about the community, do they understand enough about protecting the environment? Maybe this is the cause and effect, I see more irresponsible humans and naughty hands that often put trash in the wrong place. This is one of the ways we make epidemics also floods. From here we make the percentage according to our own point of view what is appropriate.

Maybe we here already realize who really deserves to be blamed, and are we aware of the dangers that will occur in the future. Have you ever thought about what we are doing right now?

Let's take precautions so that our children and grandchildren can enjoy their future not with trash. And they can also take care of their environment until the time is up.

A beautiful place is a place that is rarely visited by dirty humans, maybe because they are not mindful enough to think about what the future impact will be due to the garbage they provide

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