11 More Items Saved From Curb Recycling Recently Sold For $1,373 (100% Free Money)



Yep, Tiffany & Co. Sterling Silver designer earrings in a child's jewelry box, among other sterling silver and gold for free in a bag on the curbs. I just cleaned them and will list for $300 given the artist's signature. I added them to a box I separately salvaged to add value.


I post about what I've done to help others or the environment. Facts. No fluff.

Per usual, all of these items below were found by walking around my city neighborhood's curbs on recycling nights (usually 3x a week for 90 mins per route), where they're sitting in clear plastic bags, loose on top of them, or sometimes in cardboard boxes.

I see the value everyone else misses or doesn't care about, and I consistently do something about. It's never work. It's all fun, like a treasure hunt.

$0 cost = 100% environmentally-friendly profit and complete freedom.

For those who know me, I've been doing/posting on this for years, and make more than enough to support myself and continue investing, as I quit my corporate career over 5 years ago to do this.

I mainly sell on eBay, Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. I've saved and sold thousands of pounds of household/commercial items, and use curb-recycled packaging for nearly all shipments.

**I've recently started using two additional phone apps to sell, and have had good traction so far with immediate results.

Recent recycled finds/sales:

Older recalled fan exchanged for FREE new upgraded model sold $350 cash. Capitalize on opportunities. (8.5 pounds)


NOT seeing double... repeat of above for $330 cash. Respect the hustle. (8.5 pounds)


Vacuum power nozzle tested, FIXED, and sold online for $94. (~9 pounds packaged)


Fitness machine monitor sold untested online for $90. (~6 pounds packaged)


Sterling Silver Tiffany & Co. pen sold for $65 cash for a gift. A very happy buyer.


Two Apple Airport Extreme Base Stations tested and sold for $100 cash. (4 pounds)


Indoor stationary bike trainer sold for $125 cash. (18 pounds)


New children's orthopedic shoes sold online for $38. (~1.75 pounds packaged)


Electric vacuum wand tested and sold online for $57. (~3 pounds packaged)


Vacuum power nozzle tested and sold online for $70. (~4.5 pounds packaged)


Yet another vacuum power nozzle tested and sold online for $54. (~2.5 pounds packaged)


Vacuum parts might seem boring, but the overlooked value and free revenue aren't.

  • That's $1,373/11 items for an average of $124.81 each. Not bad for free inventory. Most of these proceeds were used towards further investment to continue to "opt out of fiat."

  • As always, recycled packaging used for all, except when free USPS flat-rate boxes are more cost effective (and stated above).

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