Winter garden update - Asparagus

Where I am squatting there are rows of Asparagus growing. No they are not invisible, but just underground. The crowns underneath the soil are waiting warmer temperatures to arrive and then I should be getting little sticks poking above the surface. These are known as perennials as they come back every year. And I hope after a few years of them growing, dying back and growing again I will be able to harvest their tasty greens. Though I must wait a few years to have the crowns underground get enough strength to allow me to harvest some.

So for now I will just let them grow out and do their thing, but in a few years I hope to eat them. Eventually where I am standing will just be a large patch of fern like growth and I would not even be visible when they are fully mature. But they have a long way to go. Last year the Asparagus stalks grew to just a few feet tall, but if they keep at it they should eventually reach seven feet tall! Thats taller than me and I am really looking forward to having such a large edible plant in my garden.

Asparagus has some special needs before planting, such as digging rows to allow horizontal growth of its roots. Also, its important to soak them before placing in the ground. I failed do to the later and may have suffered some failure from the crowns. I planted close to a hundred of them but only got maybe 20-30 of them to come up. So taking time to prep them is very important if you want a successful outcome with these crowns.

The appearance of the stalks is quite interesting, at first they grow just like the stalks you see sold at supermarkets. But then if not picked they will grow out fern like fronds. They are very small and the flowers produced are even smaller, barely can be seen unless you are right next to them.

It may be a few months until I see them emerge from the ground, but I am pretty sure they are alive down there. Since last year was the first time for me growing them I do not know what to expect. But when they come up I will make another video to give an update on the situation.

LBRY Video Link

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