February blueberry cuttings update

While I was cutting down some trees, one of them hit a blueberry bush. Caused one of the branches to get broken. Though I had an idea, what if I could grow new plants from the broken stem? Well that is exactly what I have been trying to do.

A couple of the cuttings were too small for my root bubbler, so I placed them in a mason jar. I try to switch out the water around once a month. But the ones growing in the bubbler should be just fine with the water being moved around by the bubbles.

All of the cuttings are showing signs of life, I see fresh leaves forming on the stems. From what I have read it can take many months for roots to form. And we are only a month or two in now. So ill probably need to wait a little while before they start growing their own roots.

Glad was able to do something with the broken stems, cutting them into many pieces I hope to get many new plants from my mistake of hitting the bush. Making something useful out of a mistake would be nice.

Looking down into the root bubbler I see some kind of gel forming where I exposed the bark. Using a hobby knife I cut back the woody bark to expose the green skin below.

I shall keep checking on them, and looking forward to another win with the root bubbler. I already got roots from my other plant I started in autumn. They are now in pots and waiting for warmer weather to be placed outside. Maybe a month or two it will be time to plant the sun opener cuttings that I formed roots on.

Growing blueberry plants from such small cuttings probably means it will take many years to grow to a size where I will get fruit. My other blueberry bushes were already a few feet tall when I got them about 5-7 years ago. I found them at a flea market in the winter and got myself a good deal for them. Now they are taller than me and producing a bunch of berries every year. My mason bees love them too, visiting the bell shaped flowers in the spring. Maybe one day these cuttings will have great little flowers as well that will feed my bees.

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