
Thank you ecoTrain community for this great contest. This topic is made just like for me. I LOVE IT!

Definitely, I can write more than five amazing things about kids and parenting but let's start with the first five of them.


  • 1 - Babies are stronger than you think.


I have a toddler a year and 8 months year-old little guy which weight is 11.300kg. Can you imagine this little boy can hold and carry a 2L bottle of water all around the room? I can't but I saw it with my eyes and I got frozen.

When I try to hold him and he wants to run away from my hugs sometimes he is able to push me or to swang me and we can fall on the ground both. I am not so weak lady but ... still, he can make me fall on the ground with his 11 kilograms.

  • 2 - Kids can't die because they missed a meal


It is interesting fact that in one moment of the life of the toddler they start to refuse to eat anything and they want only to drink their AM or to eat biscuits.

A situation before one hour. I've set down the lunch meal, and when he saw it he started to push the bow and to cry. I just sat down near him and explained that this is the food and if he doesn't like he will go to sleep without eating lunch. He cried for 2 more minutes and decided that he wants the food.

He ate 1 bowl of Moussaka (something similar to Shepard's pie with potatoes and ground meat baked in the oven) and as a reward for eating the lunch, he got 2 biscuits (he ate 1).

Well done projectmamabg, well done!

  • 3 - The most sensitive part of the newborn is the forehead.


I don't know why the nurses in the hospital told me this. And till now I see that when he is nervous I make him a massage on the forehead and between the brows and this calms him down.

  • 4 - The newborns can swim


There are lots of articles that said that till the age of 7-9 months the babies can swim even underwater. This is something amazing. This explains why there are so many courses for baby swimming. After 7-9 months age they forgot this skill and you have to teach them again how to swim.

  • 5 - Babies, toddlers, and kids at all are very jealous


Can you imagine how less a year old kid shows his jealous manner? Well, I can tell you how my boy does it. When I am holding him and his father comes to hug us both he pushes him to go away.


It is amazing what a kid can bring to the family. It is such a joy when the baby or the toddler does something new everybody is bragging to everyone.

Now I want to share with you about the parenting part


  • 1 - You can stop to sleep


It is interesting fact that in the first couple of months after the baby's arrival you feel always tired and when you count down how many hours you were sleeping you can go crazy. I had around 3 hours a day, I looked like a ghost.

  • 2 - The parents start to do everything fast


The little kid teaches you to be fast in everything that you do. You eat fast, taking a shower fast, you walk faster when the toddler starts to walk. You see how in less than 2 mins you wash a bottle, heat water, and prepare the AM for the crying baby.

  • 3 - You start to talk in plural


This is an interesting fact that lots of mommies start to talk about their kids in a plural sense like "We start to roll", "We start to make sounds and laughing", "We start to eat by ourselves" there are so many examples. When the kids grow it becomes harder for the parent to stop doing this and to separate the kid as a different individual.

  • 4 - The parents become with better hearing


This amazing fact is more common for women. There were researches (I read them when I was pregnant) that the mothers can hear that their baby is crying even behind 3 walls. Fun fact, when I was in the hospital after the baby's arrival, there were 2 hours that they took the babies away from us to bathe them, to check their weight, and so on such procedures. there was a specific time that the nurses bring back the babies. You hear the strollers in the hallway and babies crying. Then, the first stopped, then the second baby stopped. Then I said to my roommate I am sure 100% that this guy who is not stopping at all to cry is my boy. Guess I was right (I haven't heard his cry till then).
  • 5 - The parents become deaf


I don't mean it literally but you get to use to think that babies cry all the time. The toddlers become stubborn and start to refuse lots of things and when they do not agree with you they start to cry and lay on the floor and make different scenes. In such a situation you must become deaf.

All the "toddler game" continues less than 5-10 minutes but when he/she understands that with these crocodile tears and screams there are no results they stop doing this.

Remember the Moussaka from the kids' list. Well, it worked.


There are so many things that we must learn our kids what to do or what is not good to be done, but the most important thing is to show them that we love them and we care about their feelings and emotions. This helps them to become one great and successful part of our Community!


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Thank you for reading and have a gorgeous day!

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