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Day 16 : What Makes YOU Happy?

Almost barely catching up with this #bloggingchallenge, today I finally set aside 20 minutes to write for this day 16. Normally, my Thursday is where I give my intermittent fasting progress update and the struggles I am going through. However, since I am already limited in time, I will move on and push it tomorrow.

What Makes You Happy?

As corny as it sounds, smallest thing in life makes me happy. It really doesn't take me much to put a smile on my face. I appreciate every small gestures and I always try to create those small but meaningful gestures for everyone around me. Though pretty much from the last several years I live under a black cloud, I still try to find happiness now and then. I learn that I can make happiness instead waiting for happiness to come into my life.

It took me a long rough and patchy journey before I get into this state. I used to think that I could not be happy before I got rich, before I got into my ideal weight, before I owned this and that. I used to think that happiness means a huge achievement and reaching a milestone in life. I used to think that I would never be happy. The truth is, I can be happy.

A good day outside with a good coffee at a nice cozy cafe, a meaningful conversation with a friend, a fun time with my partner, a clean house, a good food, giving someone something, being able to travel to greenery side of the city; these simple things make me happy.

It strange sometimes how these little things can change my day drastically. As if these things alleviate the pain I feel and take the stress away. These small things also help me becoming more productive and make me focus on the good things instead the bad.

At times though, I can be in denial. I purposely deprive myself from little things that make me happy. Usually this will stay for months and will only drag me down further into unhappiness, self-pity, self-loathing and other negative emotions. The worse thing that could happen is developing extreme anxiety. I have been through worst of the worst form of anxiety and these days, I am working on fixing it. So far, it has been good and my day has been better. At least when there is a problem, I stopped dwelling on it for too long.

Like this week, I heard my little cousin got into an accident. It punched me in the gut when I heard it. But I was outside at the coffee shop, though I wanted to cry, I didn't. I was able to digest the news better and act clearer. Everything become less negative and a bit more positive. It was not doom and gloom. Interesting how it barely felt like this before. As I try to not focus on the negatives, it somehow find itself to resolve the situation. Thanks to all who have helped thus far @ybanezkim26, @nathanpieters, @bigtom13, @perceval, all of your contribution means a lot and greatly help in alleviating the burden of my family.

I suppose it really is, smallest thing in life is what makes me happy. That's all I can say about it.

~ Mac

If you want to join this 30 Days blogging with me, feel free to do so ! I'd be happy to have other hivers doing this with me.

~ Mac

Mac is a freelance writer based in South East Asia. She specializes in Technology, Management, Productivity, Minimalism, How-to, Reviews, Travel, Food and Lifestyle. Other than those,she dabbles in other various interests and pursuits, including cryptocurrency and art. If not writing, she can be found cooking or brushing up her programming skill.