Many Languages ​​One World :Self-Development with Multilingualism


The acquisition of a second language results in the development of bilingualism. The capacity to speak more than two different languages is known as multilingualism. Then, what are the advantages of being able to speak more than one language?

As of right now, there have been identified 7117 different languages that are spoken all over the world. At the moment, the languages that are used the most frequently are Spanish, English, Chinese, and Hindi.

In today's rapidly globalizing culture, people are making efforts to learn languages other than their mother tongue for a variety of reasons, including educational, commercial, and cultural ones.


People who communicate in a variety of tongues can easily contact with one another thanks in large part to the proliferation of internet use across the globe. In our school, we start studying a second language from the very beginning of primary school.

The acquisition of a second language results in the development of bilingualism. But what will happen if we are able to communicate in more than two languages? The state of being able to use more than one language is referred to as multilingualism.

Despite this, there is a great deal of disagreement among linguists over the assertion that a person is able to communicate in more than one language. For someone to be considered multilingual, they need to be able to communicate in languages other than their native tongue, in addition to their mother tongue.


It is the opinion of some people that all that is required to be considered multilingual is a certain level of fluency in the reading, writing, and comprehension of a number of different languages; in other words, the ability to communicate on a regular basis in more than one language.

The percentage of the population that is able to speak two languages fluently is 43 percent, 13 percent of the population can speak three languages, and the percentage of the population that can speak four or more languages is only 3 percent.

The use of multiple languages is rather common in countries that have a wide variety of cultural traditions. For example, Indonesia has over 700 different languages, but Papua New Guinea has over 800, making it the country with the most languages in the world.

So what are the advantages of being multilingual?

ImageEnhances the Function of the Brain

Studies have shown that persons who speak multiple languages have more developed cognitive capacities than people who only speak one language, particularly in the areas of memory, attention, and decision-making.

Learning a language other than one's mother tongue has been shown to improve one's cognitive capacities by fortifying the neural connections within those regions of the brain that are responsible for processing information.

ImagePutting Money Aside for the Future

It's possible that as we become older, the cognitive processes carried out by the brain will become less effective. Our brain's ability for learning and self-improvement is protected when we are fluent in more than two languages since this increases the strength of the connections between nerve cells in our brain ( called brain plasticity ).

Additionally, the development of later-life illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia is reduced in those who have a working knowledge of multiple languages.

Image]( easier time learning new languages

Those who are fluent in at least two languages have a greater capability of learning new languages rapidly. This could be as a result of the fact that you have now devised a strategy for learning a language that is suitable for your preferred method of acquiring new information.

ImageImproves Your Sensitivity to Other Cultures

If you want to meet more people and have a better understanding of foreign cultures, being multilingual can help you do both, whether you do it online or when traveling in another country. In addition to this, having this information can help you see many aspects of life from different perspectives.

ImagePaves the way for your advancement in your professional life

Numerous companies currently conduct business in connection with the governments of other countries as a result of their multinational frameworks. Therefore, having knowledge of at least two other languages gives you an advantage over other job applicants while you are looking for work. You can also expand your knowledge of your sector and keep tabs on the latest technological developments.

Thanks for reading, Have a great day!



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